Oh Calcutta !
By Priyan R Naik in Travel | Reads: 512 | Likes: 1
I had reached Kolkata (then Calcutta) by air , in those good old days, when there was no Covid pandemic, no traffic jams, nothing. Being young, I had a carefree attitude and didn’t bother to plan either my travel or my stay in a city that I was visiting for the first time. Uncertainty is encha  Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 06:52 PM
humanity's path of self destruction
By Shrishti gupta in Poetry | Reads: 511 | Likes: 0
I walk the face of earth once more, a mindless puppet, my strings are torn. The creaky bones,  the bad eyesight, yet the chance to turn wrong to right. Wars-a-waging,  old man's guilt, the world's now on more then just a tilt. Parents weeping, children slain, bloody thoughts,  fear  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 08:30 PM
By Dhruv Pathak in General Literary | Reads: 511 | Likes: 0
जो आए कभी बुरे पल ज़िन्दगी में ,  ना समझा पाओ खुद को कैसी उलझन है ,  गुजारिश करना खुद से , कोई अल्फाज़ ना कह,  जो कुछ   Read More...
Published on Apr 3,2020 08:56 AM
By Borra Mounika in General Literary | Reads: 511 | Likes: 1
She is scared of crying because someone might laugh seeing her plight. She is scared of being affectionate because someone might exploit it. She is scared of loving because someone might take it for granted. She is even more scared of giving up because, it might make her dependent because of which s  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 08:10 PM
In Life with Everybody
By Umme Kulsum in Thriller | Reads: 511 | Likes: 0
Amana stepped out of bed, drew a curtain and pulled the only wooden chair in her room. Dawn was close and she sat by the window waiting for a phone call. She had been living on her own since years and still would mistake a phone call for the alarm clock. So she had come to believe she was in fact a   Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 12:13 AM
Our rebirth in a new earth
By S.Neelacantan in Poetry | Reads: 511 | Likes: 1
Our rebirth in a new earth Kumari. S.Neelacantan God himself came Locked the doors Blocked the borders And swept the roads Dusted the buildings Cleaned the air Purified the water.   He sang and danced with Chirping Birds and scintillating flowers; Hey our children! Keep the dust free air ever S  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 11:30 AM
By Drishya Anil in Supernatural | Reads: 511 | Likes: 1
Her throat went dry...with a purse mouth and sighing she moved towards the door steps...She just heard those fearfully words spoken to her mom..."Just 2 more week is left for her".Her body responded its grief with few drops of blood from her nose!!! She just wiped it...entered the room and  loo  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 01:13 AM
Midnight Love Tale part 1
By Harsha in Romance | Reads: 511 | Likes: 3
Meghna was a beautiful  young lady..beauty with brain.Her parents  died in a road accident when she was a 4 years old kid.she was brought  up by her aunt.After completing her college studies.she  has been selected  in a campus interview  and placed in a software company  Read More...
Published on Jun 3,2020 02:44 PM
Bright morning
By Vaishnavi in Poetry | Reads: 511 | Likes: 2
As i wake up, And have my morning cup, I feel the rush of blood, Like a new winsome bud. I cherish the fresh air, As it messes over with my hair. The environment smells new, The leaves greener with dew. The sky, on it's best show, The flowers have an extra glow. Everything so good, Adding on to your  Read More...
Published on Jun 13,2020 09:18 AM
ये जो तुम सबको अपना कर बैठे हो....
By Anuj Subrat in Poetry | Reads: 511 | Likes: 1
ये  जो  तुम  सबको  अपना  कर  बैठे  हो तुमको  मालूम  नही  तुम  बहुत  बुरा  कर  बैठे  हो इश्क़ को जो  Read More...
Published on Aug 28,2020 08:11 PM
By M Tasleem in Poetry | Reads: 510 | Likes: 0
We all believe in destinyDo we know our own?We become angry when cheatedWhen we cheat?Broken hearts, bleeding egoHurtsDo we try to think for a moment?In our glory we forget everythingAfter ecstasy?Life is simpleWe make it complexShe asked why do we live?I was wordlessI asked her what is love?She sai  Read More...
Published on Mar 28,2020 02:01 PM
Kingdom of The Farthest Fears
By Rayna Arora in Thriller | Reads: 510 | Likes: 0
It was a rainy day at Bloomsbury Cross and the television was on at full volume at the Hilton’s. A young boy  with auburn hair and emerald eyes ogled at the scenery outside his window wishing to his heart’s content that he wasn’t stuck inside. A voice called him suddenly, &ldq  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 08:53 PM
By Amitesh Kumar in General Literary | Reads: 510 | Likes: 2
 "Spiders have webs.The webs keeps them hanging and sustaining through ups and downs in life. If the web gets dissembled, the spiders fall,fall to fear,fall to doom". Analogically,it should be a societal acceptance that we , the human beings,are also entangled in the web of relatives, the life-  Read More...
Published on Apr 1,2020 02:17 AM
By Anubhuti in Poetry | Reads: 510 | Likes: 2
द्रौपदी अब स्वयं संभलो कृष्ण तो ना आएंगे वस्त्र की लंबाई क्या बढ़ेगी उड़ान में दृढ़ता लाओ कानून धृतराष्ट्र नहीं ह  Read More...
Published on Apr 17,2020 07:09 AM
By Dalia in General Literary | Reads: 510 | Likes: 0
Tafeeq Miyan and his wife, Mariam were a childless couple. He was a librarian and his wife used to teach embroidery to local girls.   Their daughter never had a bonhomie with the library as she hated the smell of old books, the tarnished old covers of the book, hated the apparently accumulated   Read More...
Published on Apr 24,2020 07:47 PM