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Books by A*k² (a Times K-squared)

This Book: The Concept

What does it mean to be in-powered? In simple terms, it means to be powered from within. To make the shift from operating outside-in to inside-out. External measures of success serve as valuable feedback, but the drive is intrinsic.

At its heart, being in-powered is to self-empower through self-discovery. This enables you to create a life fueled by passion and purpose joyfully. You build and operate from an interna

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Books by A*k² (a Times K-squared)

This Book: The Concept

What does it mean to be in-powered? In simple terms, it means to be powered from within. To make the shift from operating outside-in to inside-out. External measures of success serve as valuable feedback, but the drive is intrinsic.

At its heart, being in-powered is to self-empower through self-discovery. This enables you to create a life fueled by passion and purpose joyfully. You build and operate from an interna

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Masks & Layers

Books by A*k² (a Times K-squared)

What’s this book about? 

A journey into darkness to find the light
To travel within to discover the self.

To recraft destiny by taking responsibility 
For what is by learning from what was.

To explore the myriad possibilities of life
Experiment with creating independent joy.

Chapter 1: Darkness & Light
If I could ask the devil
Just one thing,
This would my question be:
“If I

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A Loved One

By Archana in Poetry | Reads: 883 | Likes: 0

A Loved One This Valentine’s day is special, It’s the year I realized First and foremost,  I deserve my own love. That to be and feel loved, Doesn’t require another. First and foremost, It requires the self. Not in any selfish way But with the understanding, I can only truly love another  Read More...

Published on Feb 15,2021 09:44 PM

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