Nimisha Sonare


Nimisha Sonare is the daughter of Mrs. Chhaya Sonare and Mr. Raju Sonare. She was born on 26 October 2006. She belongs to the Betul district of Madhya Pradesh, India. She has a younger brother Priyansh Sonare. She is a student of R.D. Public School, Betul. She wrote her 1st book Definition of Girl at the age of 14years.Read More...


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एक सफल ज़िंदगी

Books by निमिषा सोनारे

एक सफल जिंदगी पुस्तक निमिषा सोनारे , Book by Nimisha Sonare

निमिषा सोनारे श्रीमती छाया सोनारे और श्री राजू सोनारे की बेटी हैं। उनका जन्म 26 अक्टूबर 2006 को हुआ था। वह भारत के मध्य प्रदेश के

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Tons of Fun:-

Books by Nimisha Sonare

This book contains rhymes for kids. The rhymes (POEMS) are short, meaningful, and have learnings in them. Kids can learn a lot from it.

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लड़की की परिभाषा

Books by निमिषा सोनारे

यह पुस्तक सभी लड़कियों के बारे में है जो की पुस्तक का शीर्षक ही बताता है। इस पुस्तक में बारह अध्याय हैं और लेखिका ने लड़कियों को परिभाषित करने और उन्हें अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर

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Definition of Girl

Books by Nimisha Sonare

This book is all about girls as the title of book describes. This book contains twelve chapters and author tried to define and inspire girls to do their best to fight for their rights and be role model for others.Reading this book can  really be interesting and inspiring .Aurthor  wants to tell everyone that there is no such work which a girl can not do .Aurthor is trying to tell definition of girl to everyone through. Every girl must read this

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The Strange Night at Railway Station

By Nimisha Sonare in Mystery | Reads: 5,189 | Likes: 7

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named  'Rahul'. He lived with his friend in Delhi away from his family for education. It was the time when he got the holidays, and was supposed to leave for his hometown that night. He was too excited about it. His train for his hometown was at midnight   Read More...

Published on Oct 29,2022 07:40 PM

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