Dr. Shamenaz

Author/Editor & Translator_Founder & President- PLCS
Author/Editor & Translator_Founder & President- PLCS

Shamenaz is the Author, Co-Author, Editor and Translator of 44 international books which includes poetry anthologies, literary articles, criticism, translations & travelogue. Her latest book is a short story collection, "Uzbekistan-India: Scientific-Cultural Cooperation-Integration of National and Universal Values". Her translated books (from English to Hindi) includes 16 Books of Uzbekistan. She was Visiting Faculty in Fergana State University in October 2023. She is the Editor-in- Chief of magazine, PLCS Spectrum. Being a prolific writer, she holds a D.Phil. in English Literature from UniverRead More...


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Books by बाल मुकुंद पाण्डेय

साधारण जनमानस के ज्ञान में नई ऊर्जा एवं स्फूर्ति लाने के लिए तथा मानव जीवन को सार्थक, चरितार्थ एवं कृतार्थ बनाने के लिए यह ज्ञानोदय माला एक प्रेरणा के रूप में आपके समक्ष प्रस्तु

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Books by बाल मुकुंद पाण्डेय

साधारण जनमानस के ज्ञान में नई ऊर्जा एवं स्फूर्ति लाने के लिए तथा मानव जीवन को सार्थक, चरितार्थ एवं कृतार्थ बनाने के लिए यह ज्ञानोदय माला एक प्रेरणा के रूप में आपके समक्ष प्रस्तु

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Echoes of Victorian Poetry in Selected Works of Robert Browning

Books by Ritu Pandey

The book “The Echoes of Victorian Poetry in Selected Works of Robert Browning” written by Dr. Ritu Pandey very metaphorically defines some of the works of Robert Browning, that shows his poetic powers and his maturity in intellectual love of art, religion, men and women invested with color, music and romance. Her book presents a memorable character analysis of different poems, full of incisive and acute insight.
She has categorically talked abo

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Echoes of Victorian Poetry in Selected Works of Robert Browning

Books by Ritu Pandey

The book “The Echoes of Victorian Poetry in Selected Works of Robert Browning” written by Dr. Ritu Pandey very metaphorically defines some of the works of Robert Browning, that shows his poetic powers and his maturity in intellectual love of art, religion, men and women invested with color, music and romance. Her book presents a memorable character analysis of different poems, full of incisive and acute insight.
She has categorically talked abo

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Footprints of My Mind

Books by Neerja Sachdev

'Footprints of My Mind' is a book showcasing verses and sketches by Dr. Neerja Sachdev who is a bilingual poet. It is a collection of 46 poems which include 8 personal poems and remaining on myriad themes. Most of the poems are with sketches drawn by her. 
She started writing poems during the two torrid and turbulent years of  Corona, when everybody was confined to their homes with their official and home work. It was at that time she started fra

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Footprints of My Mind

Books by Neerja Sachdev

'Footprints of My Mind' is a book showcasing verses and sketches by Dr. Neerja Sachdev who is a bilingual poet. It is a collection of 46 poems which include 8 personal poems and remaining on myriad themes. Most of the poems are with sketches drawn by her. 
She started writing poems during the two torrid and turbulent years of  Corona, when everybody was confined to their homes with their official and home work. It was at that time she started fra

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कल्पनाओं का मंथन

Books by नीरजा सचदेव

"कल्पनाओं का मंथन", डॉ नीरजा सचदेव की हिंदी में पहली किताब हैं। ये उनकी 25 कविताओं का अनूठा संग्रह है जिसमें विभिन्न विषयों पर उन्होंने कविताएं लिखी हैं व्यक्ति की कल्पनाएं, विभिन

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Feminera 2023

Books by Shamenaz

Feminera 2023 is the eighth book by the Editorial board of ‘Progressive Literary & Cultural Society’, a forum which has been consistently working to promote global literature and culture since 2020 whether it is online or offline platform. The book is a collection of poems by women poets who participated in “Feminera 2023: A Celebration of Women Poets” organized by PLCS on 26th June 2023 and some other renowned international poets. It i

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My Memories of Agra January 2023

Books by Shamenaz

"My Memories of Agra January 2023" is a souvenir of my Agra visit in 2023 where I have attended an event, "Indo-Uzbek Literary & Cultural Fest" organized by St. John's College, Agra in collaboration with Progressive Literary & Cultural Society where 25 delegates of Agra were invited. 

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Our Memories of Islampur Literature Festival 2023

Books by Shamenaz "shams"

"Our Memories of Islampur Literature Festival" is a Souvenir of the moments shared by Dr. Shamenaz, Dr. Neerja Sachdev, Sweta Kumari, Noreen Dunai and Debra S. Mascarenhas in the International Literature festival at islampur West Bengal on 29-30 April 2023.

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Books by Shamenaz

PLCS Spectrum is an official magazine of Progressive Literary & Cultural Society (India). The current issue of PLCS Spectrum is the seventh in the series. PLCS was formed on 23rd August 2020 and in that year we had published only one issue. And in 2021 and 2022 we had  published it biannually especially focusing on the events organized by the Society but this year we have published a special issue on Uzbek delegates India’s visit.


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An Anthology of Poems on Partition of India

Books by Shamenaz Bano

'An Anthology of Poems on Partition of India' is a book especially designed keeping in view the poems in the Elective paper of Partition Literature of University of Allahabad for M. A. Semester I & II. 

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My Visit to the Ruins of Vijayanagara Empire at Hampi

Books by Shamenaz Bano

       The book, "My Visit to the Ruins of Vijayanagara Empire at Hampi" is about the ruins of a mighty empire which once existed and is considered as one great empire in the history of India especially South India, i.e., Vijayanagara Empire. The Vijayanagara Empire was a medieval Indian Empire that covered much of the region of South India, controlling the lands of the modern states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Goa and

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Exile and Resistance in Palestinian literature

Books by Dr. Shamenaz Bano/ Dr. Ahmed Saad Aziz

Exile and Resistance in Palestinian Literature is an attempt to keep it the sufferings of the Palestinian since 1948 till now. moreover it is also reflecting the voice of Palestinian writers of Palestinian narrative in Literature. the current anthologies featuring 16 article from 9 countries including; India, Pakistan, Palestine, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yeman, Tunisia, China, United Kingdom. The first chapter is by Dr Sarah Irving who is the Author of Leila Khaled

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Virtual Versus Real World & Other Stories

Books by Shamenaz

The book, Virtual World Versus Real World & Other Stories is a short stories collection consiting of five stories. The first story, “An Obligation Called Marriage” is a story dealing with domestic issues. The protagonist of the story is a career-oriented young lecturer, who is pressured by her family and society to marry. When she marries, she had to compromise with her career.
    The second story, “And Life Goes On…&rdq

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Poetic Kaleidoscope बहुरंगी काव्यांजलि

Books by Shamenaz

“Poetic Kaleidoscope” is a multilingual poetry anthology consisting poems of many Indian and international languages. 

It is an anthology of the poems presented in the Poetry event, “India International Multilingual Poetry Festival 2021”. The languages in this anthology include international languages like English, Uzbek, Korean, Italian, Turkish, Greek, Spanish, Persian and Indian languages like Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Marat

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Almas Radiantes Radiant Souls

Books by Manju Yadav

Almas Radiantes (Radiant Soul) is a bilingual Spanish-English Bilingual Poetry Anthology by Progressive Literary & Cultural Society (India), edited by Manju "Mann" and Dr. Shamenaz. It is compilation of Spanish and English poems by the poets India and Hispanic world, comprising mostly of Latin-American poets. They belonged to countries including; Peru, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela, Mexico, Equador, Columbia, El-Salvador, and Spain. It is the fifth book

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Reinventing Myself

Books by Geetika Tandon

The book, Reinventing Myself : Inspiration, Perspiration and Inspiration is a short biography of Geetika Tandon, an Indian expatriate living in United States of America. She has put forward various aspects of her life which has shaped the road and has made her a person what she is. 

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यादों की पंखुड़ियाँ

Books by डॉ नलिनी टंडन

"यादों की पंखुड़ियाँ” डॉ. नलिनी टंडन की 36 कविताओं का अनूठा संग्रह है जिसमें बहुत ही अनोखी  कविताएं  हैं जो  कि हमें एक अलग दुनिया की तरफ ले जाती हैं । यह पुस्तक उनकी ६०-७० के द

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Women Poets: Crossing the Boundaries Volume I

Books by Shamenaz

Women Poets: Crossing the Boundaries Volume I" is the fourth book  by the Editorial Board of Progressive Literary & Cultural Society (India). It is a collection of poems by Women Poets who participated in the event, "Women Poets: Crossing the Boundaries" by PLCS by PLCS on 8th August 2021. The Women Poets belonging to 19 countries like India, Switzerland, Italy, USA, Greece, Albania, Croatia, Indonesia, Philippines, South Africa, Chile, Macedonia, Morocco

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The Jasmine Girl and Other Stories

Books by Shamenaz

The Jasmine Girl and Other Stories is a collection of five short stories, "The Jasmine Girl", "The Paper-Soap Seller, "I Am a Journalist", "Side Effects of Demonetization" and "Love in Lockdown" on themes like refugee crisis, self-respect, embedded journalism, demonetization and lockdown. These stories reflect different human emotions in different perspestives and are thought provoking, compelling readers to think from different angles. They are so deep in emo

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Maganda Tula (Beautiful Verses)

Books by Shamenaz, Anupama Sharma & Helen Sarita

“Maganda Tula: Filipino Bilingual Poetry Anthology” is an initiative of Progressive Literary and Cultural Society (India) to highlight the Filipino poets. It is a collection of poems in Filipino language and English by indigenous Filipino poetswho are striving hard to establish themselves in the poetic world by their talents and hard work.  The title of this bilingual anthology, Maganda Tula, is in Filipino language which means “Beautifu

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सुनहरे लफ्ज़ - कविता संग्रह

Books by मनीषा सिंह - शमेनाज़ "शम्स"

“सुनहरे लफ्ज़” हमारी राष्ट्रभाषा हिंदी मे संकलित एक काव्य संग्रह हैं। यह ‘प्रगतिशील साहित्यिक एवं सांस्कृतिक समाज’ की एक पहल हैं; जिसका लक्ष्य वैश्विक साहित्य एवं संस्क

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Feminist Voices Volume II

Books by Shamenaz

Feminist Voices Volume II is dedicated to the theme of domestic violence, a crime which happens within the four walls of the houses. In this anthology, poets from 23 countries including India, USA, Tunisia, Nigeria, Malaysia, UK, Turkey, Switzerland, Italy, Pakistan, Czech Republic, Bhutan, South Africa, Poland, Israel, Mexico, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Indonesia, Ghana, Greece, Egypt, Canada and Bangladesh have participated.

     They are voi

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Camps of Resistance and Fields of Consciousness: A Bilingual Anthology

Books by Shamenaz

The book, Camps of Resistance and Fields of Consciousness is a bilingual anthology of verses consisting poems on resistance, refugee crisis, anti-racism or xenophobia and anti-imperialism. It is an Indian- Mexican Collaborative Anthology featuring English poems composed by me with Spanish translation by Alicia Minjarez Ramirez of Mexico. 

The anthology has 24 poems, 22 poems have been composed by me and 2 are being translated from other languages;

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Demonetization Era - A Fictional Representation

Books by Shamenaz

The book, Demonetisation Era: A Fictional Representation is a collection of short stories depicting various incidents happened during demonetisation era. There are eight stories in the collection: Humanity in the Demonetization Era by me, Hum Bill De Chuke Sanam by Neerja Sachdeva, Demonetization and Me by Nalini Tandon, Money, Matrimony and…? by Ketaki Dutta, The Declaration by Manju Yadav “Mann”, Voiceless Voice by Sutanuka Ghosh Roy, The

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Virtual Versus Real World

By Dr. Shamenaz in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 6,553 | Likes: 33

Nowadays every young individual’s world revolves around social networking sites and other online platforms. Though using these online sites is accurate and saves our time, we are losing the human relationship; the bond which existed between neighbours or between shopkeepers and buyers.  &  Read More...

Published on Oct 3,2022 11:25 PM

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