Chandrakant Page

Finger Print Analysis Counsellor
Finger Print Analysis Counsellor

A renowned Finger Print Analysis Counsellor for the last 11+ years. He is Life skills and Self Development Coach. Drawing on great life, full of diverse experiences combined with formal studies in Applied Art, Psychology, KG to PG Value Education, Personal Spiritual Development, Mind and Body Fitness, Corporate Stress & Workload Management, Efficiency Enhancement etc.  .  He is a firm believer in "Walking the Talk" and is a committed mentor for rehabilitating individuals through personal counselling. With 1500+ Parenting Counselling Stage shows done until now, he has guided not only 1lac pluRead More...


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Understanding Your Child's Learning Style: A Key to Academic Success

Books by Sadhana Ghatkar And Chandrakant Page

Teachers and parents frequently overlook children' study and comprehension abilities. As a result, the development of the kids' intrinsic qualitative characteristics lags, which is a severe issue. That is why, after consciously studying and thinking about this essential topic, these two authors wrote the book ‘Understanding Your Child's Learning Style : A Key To Academic Success’.

There is a demand in the world of education for such scholar

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अध्ययनशैलीनुसार अभ्यास : एक आनंददायी प्रवास

Books by साधना घाटकर आणि चंद्रकांत पागे

मुलांच्या अध्ययनशैली जाणून घेतल्या तर पालकत्व सोपं होतं. मुलांच्या शिकण्याच्या शैली समजून घेतल्याने पालक तणावमुक्त होतात. आजकाल विद्यार्थी आणि पालक तणावातून जात असल्याचे आ

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फक्त आई-पप्पांसाठी

Books by चंद्रकांत पागे

आईवडील होणं हे निसर्गाचं वरदान आहे. पण पालक होणं ही एक जबाबदारी आहे. आणि म्हणूनच पालकत्व शिकणं गरजेचं आहे. आई झालं, वडील झालं म्हणजे पालकत्व आपोआप अंगी बाणत नाही. ते प्रयत्नपूर्व

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प्रेरणा ३६५

Books by चंद्रकांत पागे

अलीकडे वाचन संस्कृती कमी कमी होत चालल्याचे दिसते. त्यामुळे मोठमोठाले धर्मग्रंथ, कथा-कादंबऱ्या, लेख वाचण्याकडे फारसा कुणाचा कल  असत नाही. आवड असली तरी वाचायला पुरेसा वेळ उपलब

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Think, Plan, Change, Win

Books by Chandrakant Page

121 Thoughts that can change your life. What we think is very important. Because when we think, we radiate vibrations and attract similar vibrations. So the more positively we think, the more positive things we will attract. That is why it is said, "If you change your thinking, you can change youtr life." Thoughts... Positive or negative, affect on our mind. Mind rules the body.This means what we think can affect on our body. That's why, if we wish to win the

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101 Power Parenting Tips

Books by Chandrakant B. Page

Considering today's life style, stresses etc, there are many things which even being simple, don't click at that particular time. This book is such that you open any page, and you'll find some or other helpful guideline. 

No one has time to read big novels now. This book is of main points. No description. Because you all already know that. Each sentence on each page will give you proper direction as per your need.  

Read it yours

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दुसरी बाजू

Books by चंद्रकांत पागे

विविध वयाची मुलं, मुली, मोठी माणसं, महिला यांच्या वर्तन समस्यावर उपाय करण्याच्या दृष्टीने प्रत्यक्ष हाताळलेल्या केस स्टडीजवर आधारित पुस्तक. हे पुस्तक वाचल्यानंतर हे लक्षात य

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