Arman Chaturvedi

Arman is a 17 years old teenager who lives in Hyderabad. He was born in the USA and is an adventurer who grew up traversing the globe, first through the pages of books, and then in reality. He has lived in four cities and has travelled to 25+ countries. When he’s not chilling with friends, you can find him surrounded by music. He is an accomplished musician (drummer) who enjoys all genres of music. A leader of the student council at school and member of the school basketball team, he enjoys scuba diving, volunteering, coding, building apps and making tea for his mom. Read More...


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I Can't Breathe

Books by Arman Chaturvedi

“Was 20 dollars really worth this man’s life?

Did you ever stop and think about his kids and his wife?

It’s funny man, you all think it’s a joke,

But you only care when they send you up the smoke.”

This was the outburst from a 13-year-old as he watched on TV news in complete shock and horror as a policeman kneeled  and murdered a man in cold blood.  ‘I Can’t Breathe’ and other songs in this anthology were composed

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