Anant Shastri

Anant Shastri has been involved in writing for the major portion of his life. Having composed over a hundred poems, he uses writing as a form of catharsis. An artist by heart, he is also a musician and a landscape photographer who loves the backpacking style of travel. Most of his work has been composed on-the-go or in situations where he was not in his comfort zone. Through his raw form of writing, he wishes to spread the message of harmony, compassion and the importance of living a life in equilibrium with others. He gathers influence from nature, emotions, relationships and people in generaRead More...


Darkness in the Fool

Books by Anant Shastri

DARKNESS IN THE FOOL is a collection of poetry spanning over 15 years. It caters to that miniscule bit of darkness that each one of us have in us, which craves to be engulfed in light. Take a journey of fluctuating emotions as you fly from happiness to sadness to grief to ecstasy: the truest emotions that one experiences in the journey of life. In this book that is highly influenced by the beauty of nature, which it glorifies in various forms, you will find mo

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