Sumeet Kumar


The Reunion Diaries

Books by Sumeet Kumar

Though the day (of the Reunion) is done and dusted, the hangover of the tangible and the surreal still envelopes me. So I thought, what better way to remember the 'Day' than to document it for eternity. One might say "What's so special about a Reunion? They are all the same." To a certain extent even I agree to this but according to me, it is the set of individuals who make up a Reunion that sets it apart. Ours was certainly no exception to this rule. Graying

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Books by Sumeet Kumar

This is the author's second offering. While his first book 'Mirror of Soul' was a short collection of poems, this one is a compelling corporate drama. Set in the 90s and early 2000s India, the story depicts how decisions made at a macro level affect individual lives at a micro level. Though the flavours are local the appeal is universal. Through his protagonist 'Kumar' the author tries to explore the triumphs and tribulations of the human spirit; as much in deat

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Mirror of Soul

Books by Sumeet Kumar

Here is a collection of a few of Sumeet's Poems he has written over the years. Though it's a work in progress still he thought it worthy enough to share it with you. It is how he feels about the world in general and life in particular. Hope you will enjoy this road to self discovery.

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