Afternoon Glow
By Abusiddik in Humour & Comedy | পড়ার জন্য : 622 | পছন্দ: 0
“How are you?” a middle aged, half-bald, neatly dressed business man, Mr. Das, asked his friend Motka, while sitting in a corner of a tea shop. He called the chai boy and asked for a glass of tea. “Fine my dear friend!”  Motka, a dwarf, fat, bearded man about fifty said   বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে Apr 3,2020 01:55 AM
Save Animals Save Earth
By Samarth Chawla in General Literary | পড়ার জন্য : 622 | পছন্দ: 3
Nature has given us an array of things but what we have given it in return is nothing. Nature was so benign to us. We humans have eradicated everything that we got from nature,now nature will take vengeance from us. There lived a man by the name of James, he owned an agency to slaughter animals. Eve  বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে Mar 25,2020 09:38 AM
जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी
By Mukesh Saini in True Story | পড়ার জন্য : 622 | পছন্দ: 1
वास्तविकता में यह कथन बिल्कुल सही है जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी जैसा आप करेंगे आज नहीं तो कल वैसा ही आपको भोगना होगा ठीक इस  বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে Jul 8,2020 09:50 AM
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
By Sudhir Rao in Humour & Comedy | পড়ার জন্য : 622 | পছন্দ: 3
It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Kolkata and a 7-year old boy was skipping along happily. Well, to cut a long story short, that was me. My mother had given me money to buy sweets. Kolkata is home to the Rosogollas (that has been contested by Odisha) and other delicious juicy sweets, so you can i  বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে Mar 27,2020 04:42 PM
The Last Day
By Namrata Dev in General Literary | পড়ার জন্য : 621 | পছন্দ: 0
My fossil showed 11.20, and the streets were vacuous for a Saturday morning. Generally the souk area would be bustling with hawkers and commoners, trying their luck at basic business tactics. But today, unforeseen, the street was scanty with people scattered here and there, like roaches in daylight.  বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে Apr 24,2020 11:10 PM
लक्ष्मण रेखा में....... रावण
By Naveen pandey in Poetry | পড়ার জন্য : 621 | পছন্দ: 1
देखों कैसे पाट दिये, सारे रावण इक घेरे में। अब विष उगलेंगे दसों शीश से, मानवता के चेहरे पर।। अब सारे रावण रेखा के भीत  বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে Apr 14,2020 09:49 PM
तेरी फ्रेंड रिक्वेस्ट आना
By Abhijeet Singh Yadav (Sikandar) in Poetry | পড়ার জন্য : 621 | পছন্দ: 1
मेरी स्क्रॉल करती लाइफ में, तेरी फ्रेंड रिक्वेस्ट का आना। मानो बसन्त के कुंडी खटकाने जैसा है। मेरे सुने इनबॉक्स म  বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে May 29,2020 09:56 PM
हां वह हमेशा लड़ती है
By nidhi yadav in Poetry | পড়ার জন্য : 621 | পছন্দ: 1
जब लड़की घर से निकलती है तो लड़ना पड़ता है उसे गलियों में राहो  से उन सैकड़ों घूरती निगाहों से लड़ना पड़ता है उसे त  বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে May 31,2020 09:17 AM
By Madhavi Hadker in True Story | পড়ার জন্য : 620 | পছন্দ: 0
Although it was a Sunday, I woke up early feeling fresh and enthusiastic. It had been drizzling since early morning and I sat in the balcony, enjoying a cup of hot, ginger tea. The telephone rang just then and I was really pleased to hear my best friend Pallavi’s voice. “Hi Madhu, I know  বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে Mar 31,2020 02:28 PM
Violet, Red and Everything in between
By Kanishka Roy in General Literary | পড়ার জন্য : 620 | পছন্দ: 8
Two lines. Positive. That’s what the test kit said. Double lines mean pregnant.  This shouldn’t have happened. Not now, when everything was perfect. ************* Red. Not the bright screaming shade, more like stubborn acne marks. Once, it was white. A dazzling porcelain, out of  বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে Jun 14,2020 05:12 PM
The woman looked out of the window...
By Raj Anand in Romance | পড়ার জন্য : 620 | পছন্দ: 0
The woman looked out of the window . . .    The awkwardly beautiful woman quietly looked out of the window listening to the radio; Joan Osborne was wondering ‘if god was one of us’.  She loved the earthy rhythm of the electric guitar, it always reminded her of the wet eart  বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে Mar 22,2020 05:53 PM
Being an only child
By Nitisha Tandon in True Story | পড়ার জন্য : 620 | পছন্দ: 0
Being the only child of your parents is not easy at all Sometimes it's a blessing and sometimes its a curse  People assume us to be the happiest because we don't need to share our belongings with anyone  Some think we are spoilt, demanding, selfish because we don't know how to adjust with  বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে May 23,2020 05:31 PM
By Sriteja in Poetry | পড়ার জন্য : 620 | পছন্দ: 1
Lets pray for Tomorrow what's gonna happen Happiness or Sorrow Today like any other day let's do enjoy tonight under the shining moon light Yesterday has gone Forever even if we think we are clever no ability to catch the past Be aware  of being alive such a heavenly sign to feel our own breath  বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে Apr 26,2020 08:35 PM
பேருந்தின் ஜென்னல் ஓர பயணம்
By dhayalan . V in General Literary | পড়ার জন্য : 620 | পছন্দ: 3
பேருந்தின் ஜென்னல் ஓர பயணம் நம்மில் பலர் பேருந்தில் பயணம் செய்துகொண்டிருக்கிறோம்… அப்படி பயணம் செய்யும் ப  বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে Apr 13,2020 10:46 PM
Should I wait to form an opinion ?
By Kunal Deore in Poetry | পড়ার জন্য : 620 | পছন্দ: 1
Should i wait to form an opinion,  Or should i just jump the gun ?  Should i wait to gather wisdom,  Or just blurt out what the paper feeds me everyday ?  Should i polish my perception,  Or just take sides and run along ?  Should i open my eyes and see, Or just be pr  বেশি পড়ুন...
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে Apr 22,2020 10:49 AM