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Graded Self Sufficient Model of Regional Economic Development Based on Unique Natural Endowment Theory

Author Name: Santosha K Nayak | Format: Paperback | Genre : Business, Investing & Management | Other Details

Long been, I felt that every region of the world – small or big, deserts or oceans, coastal plains or mountains, deep forests of developed cities, villages or towns, rural or urban – all have been endowed with sufficient resources by mother nature for the prosperous living of the organisms in harmony. But the pre-condition to get the prosperity is – to work hard for it- the Karma as explained in Srimad Bhagwad Gita. The organisms living in the regions have to be industrious to be prosperous. Our ancient forefathers perhaps had understood it very well, that’s why many successful and prosperous civilizations, empires walked on earth.

With this understanding we must look forward to harness our desire and energies in right direction to achieve prosperity for us. We need to move from entitlements to capability building with an ultimate aim of attaining empowerment.

A nation can only get all round prosperity and happiness when each smaller region from every corners of the nation is developed. This book detailed about the Graded Self Sufficient Model of Regional Economic Growth based on the principles of Unique Natural Endowment Theory. It envisages a bottom up approach of development of various regions and hence collectively of a nation.



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Santosha K Nayak

A common man.

A creative designer, an  ideator, a versatile thinker, a critical analyst, a co-founder of start-ups, a writer, a trouble-shooter, an admirer of the Mother Nature and Super power God, a Captain of Ocean-going ships, a Marine Pilot, a responsible citizen of India



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