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The Way Ahead Towards Religious Tolerance

Author Name: Rev. John Robert Thwaytes | Format: Paperback | Genre : Religion & Spirituality | Other Details

"I am a believer in the validity of "The Urantia Book" completed in 1934 at Chicago, and published in English in 1955. Basically it is the first volume of an encyclopedia about our planet Earth, written by angels and other celestial superhuman beings, and they tell us that it constitutes the fifth epochal revelation to our world from God. Their name for our world is Urantia. As a missionary priest, I am an evangelist by calling, and my purpose now is to popularize the message of the Urantia Book, which is vital for our further spiritual evolution towards an age of light and life, and a civilization far superior to what we now have. I have written only about what I feel are the most important messages in the Urantia Book, in order to arouse interest in it and encourage people to study it directly. It is available free online in pdf format at several well known websites. My book shows that God Himself is tolerant about your religion or belief system, so there is no reason why we should be intolerant."



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Rev. John Robert Thwaytes

About the author

John Thwaytes, born on 11th January 1931, is the second son of Lancelot Laurence Thwaytes and Grace Veronica Thwaytes (nee Caesar). After getting an Honors degree in History from St.Catherines, Oxford, he worked as an Assistant Manager in Binny & Co (Madras) Ltd for three years. Post his stint in India, he went back to complete his masters from the Ivey Business School. While undergoing the course he got a call from the Lord that was fairly close to what happened to St.Paul on the road to Damascus. His answer was “Yes”. Having dropped out after the first year with a D.B.A., he joined Maryglade Seminary at Memphis, Michigan, and slogged through a year of novitiate, a year of philosophy, and four years of theology. He was ordained priest in June 1965.

In June 1966 he landed by air in Kolkata, and went up to North Bengal. Soon afterwards he was sent to Malbazar to become Headmaster/ Secretary of Bartolo Longo Junior High School, now named St.Bartholemews HS School. In 1973, he founded Boys Town and Caesar School about a quarter of a mile away from B.L.School (as it is widely known). He has been working at Boys Town and Caesar School ever since, and has prepared a site for his grave in the Chapel garden where he hopes , Deo volonte, to rest his weary bones in due course of time.

