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Flight to Infinity Introduction of Space Science & Technology To People of India

Author Name: Yogendra Kumar Dikshit | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

Yogendra Kumar Dikshit is a retired ISRO, Sr. Scientist, began his career as in Systems Reliability entity of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre. He worked for SLV-3 Project, when H.E. Dr. A.P.J. Kalam was Project Director. He Served ISRO for over 30 years, where he contributed in the realisation of Aerospace structures, Rocket motors & Satellite Launch vehicle flight hardware, ranging from tiny Rohini sounding rockets to gigantic PSLV & GSLV, launched successively successfully to Chandrayan, Mangalyan and GSLV MIII the pride of nation. He is a spiritual mentor and innovator. He is effortlessly engaged in guiding children,  youth and aged a like for their spiritual & technological enlightenment. The book will be highly useful to students preparing for engineering entrance and engineers preparing for employment in ISRO. This will intrduce readers to Space science and rocketary in simple language.



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Yogendra Kumar Dikshit

Shri. Yogendra Kumar Dikshit joined Systems reliability & Quality wing of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, in 1977. He began his carrier as scientist responsible for Quality & Inspection of SLV-3 hardware. He specialized in the manufacturing and quality control of hardware used in Rohini sounding Rockets, SLV-3, ASLV, PSLV & GSLV Rocket motors. He continued with the responsibilities by being associated with the development of latest venture of ISRO, “GSLV Mark III”, India’s largest satellite launch vehicle, Chandrayan, air breathing rockets, launch-structures, handling and transportation structures. It has been his silent mission to popularize science appropriately even at the level of households and school children. He provided guidance to school going children in scientific model making which brought them recognition. His son Dr. Abhishek Dikshit received National Children’s Science Congress Award in year 1999 and NCERT National Science Certificate in year 2000. His wife is recipient of 1998 National Award for teachers for “Collaborative teaching of Science”.

