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GRAIL Tick Your Life Right, With PURPOSE

Author Name: Anthology Of Purpose | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

The book is about thirty global influencers on their quest for their purpose. Each chapter conveys the journey of an individual and their life experiences. The mountains of sand that looked high before they saw the shining hope of the purpose, their life's calling. No one has the same purpose, yet they are bound to each other in the same pursuit of realizing their goal and living to abide by it each day. The book has three distinct themes for the readers to immerse themselves in: strength, passion, and clarity.


Finding their inner strength and seeing the world's needs, all these authors share the vision of using their expertise and life experiences to alter and empower the lives of over a million people.


The inspiration and passion that propels you to act.

To satisfy your deepest longing.

Facing what seems like an insurmountable mountain to climb ignites your desire, and each step brings you closer to your purpose.


These extraordinary people have reinvented themselves by achieving clarity on their mission due to their life experiences and internal journey to discover the traditional question, "Why am I here?"

A book shows you that your determination will get you there no matter how high the mountain is. The human spirit is strong. We must follow our hearts; eventually and consistently, life's calling will mould itself.



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Anthology Of Purpose

As a mentor to Corporate India for over 3 decades, I found one element that a
significantly high percentage of people lack in their Life was a Definite Major
Purpose (DMP). A rudder to their life, helping them steer through tough and good
As succinctly put by Dalai Lama:
The Purpose of our Life is to be HAPPY!!!
This prompted me, to pull together a mastermind called Mental Resilience
Mastery and work with 50 members from across four continents. in building their
mental and physical resilience, skilling them up, and while doing that work,
stretch them further by seeding the idea of “what if” we wrote a book titled
Purpose, elaborating on how we arrived at each of our purposes and how it would
help us attain self-actualization. This snowballed to us Self-Publishing, marketing
distribution, and the arrangements to donate the proceeds to a charity in India.
Grail – Tick your Life Right, with Purpose, was born after working 30 years with
over 250,000 people from various countries and cultures, backgrounds,
professions, and echelons in the community. Through my course of the journey of
developing people, this lack constantly kept coming to the forefront. If only
people understood, this lack when fixed, would be their best cure for any of the
challenges they faced in life. I found many lacked this one crucial ingredient in
their lives - Definite Major Purpose.
People have goals, and aspirations, and they were achieving them. Despite
completing their projects, they were still left high and dry, with a feeling of a void
within themselves, not being satisfied, basically Self Actualized, on account of lack
of fulfillment.
This “slack of” internal fortitude, the internal bliss, contentment, and the want
and need to contribute from a higher plane was creating internal conflict, internal
disarray, frustration, and sometimes depression for them. Admittedly they are
making money but were they really Happy?

The journey so far

What does the future hold for these purpose-driven Members?
They are currently developing their own programs, workshops, and public
speaking gigs. Whilst that is under their belt, they will pay it forward by guiding
the next batch of MRM members to search for their purpose and write the
second Book on the subject with the next batch. This will be done in an ongoing
way. The intent is to create a dint within the community to roll out such best
Core team
David Nair
Founder of Mental Resilience Mastery.



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