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Introduction Organization Behavioral Economic

Author Name: John Lok | Format: Paperback | Genre : Business, Investing & Management | Other Details

 This book is concerned how to apply behavioral economy method to  predict consumer behavior. Also I shall compare to explain what advantages and disadvantages between any one of my solvable suggestions and the any one of the company's choice of solvable method to these any one sample industry consumer behavioral economic challenges to aim to let any reader to judge whether how to choose the solvable method is better.  In, conclusion, this book can provide sample industries to let students to learn how to behavioral economy method to predict consumer behaviors.

 In Behavioral economics part , it can provide more realistic psychological foundations.  This book is intended to explain why consumer behaviors and economy has close relationship and apply economic concept to explain how the consumer chooses to do whose consumption of decision.

  It divides part one and part two In part one, it shall indicate how the process of behaviour economic field develops, then I shall show what methods are used to measure behavioural economy. Next, I shall indicate what the main two categories of behavioural economy are as well as I shall explain what risky and uncertain outcomes of individual behavior economic theories are as well as what  behavioral game theory is.



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John Lok

    I had graduated business Administration Science Degree in Common Wealth Open University. Then, I concentrate on researching whether how economic changing environment can influence our behaviors, e.g. consumer behavior in behavioral economic view.    I had researched different behavioral economic topics included how artificial intelligence influences economic environment changes, how artificial intelligence influences consumer behaviors, how disease influences traveler leisure psychology, how economic changing environment influences public transport passenger choice, how e-commerce market influences consumer behavior etc. different books are published. I hoped my readers can make accurate analysis to learn how and why  the economic changing environment influences consumer behavior in behavioral economic view.



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