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Author Name: Dr. Kolluru Venkata Nagendra | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

                I have great pleasure in authoring the book titled “Data ware Housing and Data Mining” for 3rd Semester CSE Students as per Audisankara College of Engineering & Technology, Autonomous, Affiliated to JNTUA, Gudur, Nellore (Dt) Syllabus. The book is written in simple and elegant manner. The book contains four chapters based on Autonomous syllabus.Chapter 1 deals with the introduction Data ware Housing, Schemas and steps to build a Data ware House.Chapter 2 is about Reporting and Query tools, Categories, Applications, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and Multidimensional Data Model.Chapter 3 focuses on Data Mining and its Functionalities, Data Mining Task Primitives, Integration of Data Mining System with Data warehouse and Data Preprocessing. Also deals Mining Frequent patterns, Associations and Correlations, Mining Methods, Mining Various kinds of Association rules and constraint based association Mining.Chapter 4 deals with Classification and Prediction, Decision Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification, Rule Based Classification, Support Vector Machines, Prediction. And also focuses on Cluster Analysis, Major Clustering Methods and K-means.



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Dr. Kolluru Venkata Nagendra

Dr. Kolluru Venkata Nagendra completed his Bachelor Degree in Computer Science from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi. He completed his Master Degree in Computer Applications from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. He completed his Master of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur. He completed his Ph.D in Computer Science from Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. 

He has published more than 35 papers in UGC & Scopus Journals. He has got more than a Decade of experience in various engineering colleges. Currently he is working as a Professor in the department of CSE at Audisankara College of Engineering & Technology (Autonomous), Gudur, Nellore (DT). His areas of interest include Big Data; Data ware housing and Data Mining and Cloud Computing.



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