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Journey from Patna to Pataliputra The Adventures of a Young History Enthusiast

Author Name: Deepansh Thakur Achary | Format: Paperback | Genre : Travel | Other Details

The Journey from Patna to Pataliputra is about the fondness of a child for the old heritage of India and the exploration of the places which provide him with a glimpse of the golden histories of ancient India. It’s a small travelogue written by a 12-year-old who is fascinated by the country’s history and who wants to soak up its hoary past. The young author tries to relive the golden era of India by visiting those places which still have the footprints of our heritage. During summer vacation, he visits Patna and neighbouring places and learns more about the beginnings of Gautham Buddha and Mahavira. 



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Deepansh Thakur Achary

Deepansh Thakur Achary is 12 years old, a student in grade 7 from National Public School, ITPL, Bangalore. He likes to play tennis, read books, and spend time with his pet rabbits. After an introduction to the legacy of India's glorious heroes of the past like the kings of Mauryas and Nandas and having read about Mahavira and Gautam Buddha in history books, our young author has had the keen interest to write in simple words a short travelogue that reveals his interest in the great history of India. This is his first attempt to publish. 

