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Life Expeditions A Soulful Tale Of Twists And Turns Of Life

Author Name: Kanishka Goli | Format: Paperback | Genre : Children & Young Adult | Other Details

This story enrols the play of a girl named Luna and her crazy life. There are so many tips and turns in her life. She hadn't met her parents for more than 12 years. The circumstances she faces to meet her parents, the way all re - unite, all of these are mentioned in this book. There are also many mood swings. 

All emotions are shown in this book. If you are a fiction lover, expeditions lover, jorney lover, or a family drama lover, then this book is for you! You will definetly find this book interesting. There are so many tips and turns in this book that will encourage you to read more.



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Kanishka Goli

The Author of this book is Kanishka Goli. She started her journey joining a platform. This book is called ' life Expeditions ". She had come till here with the support and guidance of her parents, teachers and her friends.

