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on a HIGH Short Poems

Author Name: Attoor Sreekanthanezhuthachan | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details
On a HIGH” is a collection of thirty short poems, based on my viewpoints, it is not philosophical or do not have any in depth or inner meaning to it. It says what it says- very simple and straight forward. The poms are written in simple English, sometimes may sound colloquial. Why?, because that's all what i know. I am presenting these to you readers , eagerly waiting to know the result of these poems on the audience. Sree...


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Attoor Sreekanthanezhuthachan

I am Sreekanth, my friends and dear ones call me Sree. Attoor Sreekanthanezhuthachan is the name I adopted for writing as a pen name. Born in a village named Attoor in the state of Kerala, India, I did my graduation in chemical engineering from Calicut university in the year 1999. Started writing since 1993, but never published any of my work until 2017. Published four books through KDP amazon. Most of my poems follows the rhyme scheme aaaa, bbbb, cccc, dddd, with four or five quartrains. On a High, the first book published had a collection of thirty poems. Remain HIGH has thirty poetries as well. All these poems are very dear to me. I call myself a passionate poet. I love to be left alone, day dream a lot, do not strive hard for anything; basically, a lazy guy, but creative man of heart. Lots of Love Sreekanth
