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Through the Corridors of Black and White An Ongoing Journey

Author Name: M.L. Joseph | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

“Master the facts and the law will take care of the rest”, were the words often spoken to me by my guru Shri Tomy Sebastian, when I stepped foot into the legal arena. 25 years down the lane, I can say with certainty that every word of advice, motivation and criticism offered by all my legal gurus and every challenge thrown at me and experience gained out of them throughout my career, have come together to make me stand tall with admiration for this beautiful profession.

The book is a tribute to my two and a half decade (and counting) career as a lawyer. Throughout the chapters, I highlight the hurdles, positives and negatives faced by me and those that I expect many junior advocates may also face in their initial years and I hope to inspire their young minds to overcome everything and shine in this field to achieve all that they can dream of, and more.   



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M.L. Joseph

M.L. JOSEPH is an advocate of the Madras High Court and Managing Partner of M/s. Chennai Law Associates. He hails from Coimbatore and currently resides with his family of four in Chennai, where his practice is set up. The author has completed 25 years of practicing advocacy and this book is his homage to the legal profession, hoping to inspire all its young blood to outshine themselves and lead India into a brighter legal future!

The author runs a full practice law firm and himself specializes in Criminal Law, Property Law, Entertainment Law, Constitutional Law, Banking Law and Family Law to name a few, although his practice extends much farther and wider. 



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