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Tips for Sprucing up your Home

Author Name: Nishant Baxi | Format: Paperback | Genre : Home & Garden | Other Details

Has the thought of selling your home shortly crossed your mind? If so, it is a good idea to review how your home might appear to a prospective buyer. 

It is no secret that a well-maintained, clean and appealing home has a far better chance of selling, at a higher price and more quickly than a home that could use some work and attention.

Keep in mind that first impressions always create lasting impressions. Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to real estate. 



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Nishant Baxi

I am an experienced content creator and digital/social media marketing professional with a demonstrated history of working in the publishing industry. Skilled in E-Learning, Market Research, Online Advertising, Management, and Business Development, Content Development.

