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Twisted Universe A Fictional Book about the Universe.

Author Name: Nevaan Nigam | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Fiction | Other Details


The 1st story is about a princess whose fate was sealed, but little did she know, the curse actually pushed her to become a well renowned Queen.

2nd story is about an unbelievable mind who had an evil alter ego, but still saved the world from destruction.

3rd story tells about Captain Vetor who switched sides during a war to save the Multiverse.

4th story  is about a prince who lost his father and his hope but with the help of the people, he ended up becoming the well deserved king.

5th story is about a boy who showed the world that the elements are all based on emotions and how you use them.



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Nevaan Nigam

  Nevaan Nigam born in the year 2011 in Lucknow, India. I introduce myself as an author by chance. I am an eleven years old boy with the passion of writing. It is my first work published officially. I am trying to express my imagination by writing this book.

