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WHERE WISE OWLS DARE The Life of the Rhinoceros in Kaziranga

Author Name: Gautam Prasad Baroowah | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

“A fantasy, grounded in the future, with a forceful message that brings hope but does not allow us to gloss over vileness ever present in our midst. That’s how Baroowah’s The Life of Rhinoceros in Kaziranga, Where Wise Owls Dare can be summed up.”

–Hiren Phukan, a newspaper journalist based in Malaysia, Singapore and India.

This book is a futuristic socio-political fantasy based on rhinoceroses of Kaziranga. It is almost a thriller that encompasses Asia, Europe and America.

Assam is blessed with a new Chief Minister who breezes in with progress, development, and prosperity for the state. His British bio-scientist teacher helps him usher in economic growth and ward off the fear of the one-horned rhinoceroses from becoming an extinct species. But disgruntled poachers swoop in on the scene. An assassination bid follows, which is foiled by Wise Owls, who are professional protectors. Who is the target of the ruthless murderers? Is it the Chief Minister or the elderly British Professor?

Love has many ways of expressing itself, be it love for fellow beings, religion, country, family, animals or the filthy lucre. All of this is presented by novelist Gautam Prasad Baroowah in his new novel.



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Gautam Prasad Baroowah

Gautam Prasad Baroowah is a dynamic bilingual prize-winning author from Assam, India. Axom Sahitya Sabha selected him for the prestigious Hem Baruah Award for his excellence in creative writing in 1998. The Monk, Who Redefined the Concept of God is a prestigious novel on Vivekananda’s legacy of toleration. His book Be a Millionaire: Yes! You Sure Can on saving and investment was a bestseller. His earlier book Tea, Legend, Life and Livelihood of India was released in Rubin Museum, Manhattan, New York by Joe Simrani, President of American Tea Association and became an international bestseller.

A Business Economist and a Human Resource Management expert, he was Group Vice President of Williamson Magor companies Ltd. and was the first person from the entire private sector enterprises of the country to become the Banking Ombudsman of RBI.

He was in the Board of McNeil Engineering Ltd., (1989-2000), B&A Ltd. and India Carbon Ltd., a group company of Great Lakes Carbon Corporation of USA (from 2003 to 2010). He was in the board of Assam Industrial Development Corporation Ltd.

He generally lives in Kolkata but shares his time in Guwahati and Los Angeles, USA.

This book has been transcreated in collaboration with author NAVAMALATI CHAKRABORTY.



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