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Zero To Everyone The Marketing Playbook to Become Visible in the Marketplace

Author Name: Akash Jaiswal | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Business, Investing & Management | Other Details

How can you move from being a whisper to a loud echo in the crowded marketplace of ideas and products? Are you an entrepreneur struggling to make your voice heard? Or a marketer grappling with the dynamics of brand loyalty and consumer behavior? This book is your compass in the ever-evolving landscape of customer engagement. Dive into the intricacies of psychology in marketing, unravel the enigma of branding, and master the art of persuasive advertising. How do luxury brands enchant? How do you create superfans out of ordinary customers? With a blend of practical wisdom and innovative strategies, "Zero to Everyone: The Marketing Playbook to Become Visible in the Marketplace" is the guide you've been waiting for. Penned by Akash Jaiswal, a mastermind in customer engagement, this book is a beacon for those ready to conquer the world of marketing. If you want to make a lasting impression in the market, turn ears to your story, and make hearts beat in sync with your brand, this book is your war cry.

Does this sound like something you were missing till now? Then "Zero to Everyone" is your next must-read. Seize your copy now and embark on the journey from anonymity to market dominance.

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Akash Jaiswal

Akash Jaiswal is a seasoned Customer Success Professional in Semiconductor Industry, known for his expertise in understanding customer perspectives and product persuasion. With a rich background in marketing, branding, advertising, and copywriting, Akash brings a unique blend of practical experience and innovative thinking to the field. His insights into Go-To-Market strategies and sales funnels are not just theoretical but born from hands-on involvement in guiding businesses towards growth and success.

Akash's journey in the world of marketing and customer engagement is a testament to his dedication and skill in helping businesses find their footing in the increasingly digital landscape. His approach goes beyond mere strategy; he assists companies in gaining the confidence they need to embark on their journey toward online business growth. His passion for creativity is not just a professional asset but a guiding force that inspires others to start their own journeys in marketing.

"Zero to Everyone" is Akash's second book, following the successful release of his debut, "I Too Can Create." In this latest work, he distills his extensive experience into actionable insights, aiming to empower entrepreneurs and marketers alike. His writing reflects a deep understanding of the market's nuances and an unwavering commitment to helping others achieve their marketing goals. Through his books, Akash continues to influence and shape the way businesses approach customer engagement and market penetration.

