The mark of the beast - panic in Christians - Evg.Babu
By Evg.Babu.T Thomas in Mythology | Reads: 302 | Likes: 0
The mark of the beast - panic in Christians - Evg.Babu T Thomas Dear in Christ, rely in God and rest in God and rest assured that we will be saved. Need not to be panic because the one who called us will use us and glorify us for His sake. God's teaching is very clear so we must wait till His answe  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 04:16 PM
The main key to Happiness
By Bollachettira Dhyan Appachu in General Literary | Reads: 302 | Likes: 0
There is a story about the Sakyamuni: Once a disciple walked up to the Sakyamuni and said: I want Happiness. The Sakyamuni said: Drop the “I” and the “Want” and all you are left with is “Happiness”. The “I” is Ego.  The &l  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 05:57 PM
By Manaswini Priya Varanasi in Poetry | Reads: 302 | Likes: 0
Laying down in my easy chair Under the shade of a tree Thinking of the many summers Of my blissful childhood.. Countless games with my cousins Puzzles, crosswords and business Watching gully cricket on the roads Many visits to the houses of my friends.. Licking the street vendor's icy kulfi Made o  Read More...
Published on May 13,2020 09:22 AM
By ritika rasal in True Story | Reads: 301 | Likes: 0
           "And the perfection of past begins" I gathered my courage, I win over on my fear to write my pain with meaningful words, which are not just a words they are everything to me, it's what through I went, it's the most aching part of my life…… YES,  Read More...
Published on Apr 26,2020 02:26 PM
My First Love
By Annby in Romance | Reads: 301 | Likes: 0
I had my first love at the age of sixteen. I don’t know whether I should call it love. But at that time, it was sincere and serious and it overflowed from my heart like a fierce river. I saw him for the first time as a reflection on the mirror, from inside the washroom, while i was setting my   Read More...
Published on May 24,2020 01:10 AM
By Pratiksha Pardhe in Poetry | Reads: 300 | Likes: 0
I told them I was fine....! Without arguing or asking further questions, I told them I was fine. I told them there's nothing wrong & life's going great. But than the sudden emptiness questioned my silence. "Are you the way, you were suppose to be always"? I didn't had answer, I didn't explained,  Read More...
Published on Jun 8,2020 03:31 PM
Existential crisis
By Saumya Jain in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 300 | Likes: 0
How can he sleep? How can he not see the turmoil inside of me?He's my world. Every day when he leaves for work, I count down the hours till he is home again. There's nothing for me to do around the house so I usually sit in my favourite place and watch the scene outside the bedroom window. And as th  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 12:27 PM
By Nafesha in True Story | Reads: 300 | Likes: 0
It was his birthday, she was just scrolling her newsfeed and chats aside. Its been 6 months of their heartfelt breakup. She was still in frustration at sometime to its peak. Once suddenly, a notification popped up to be around 12am and its Apr25th, yaah its his birthday today (a reminder from facebo  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 04:43 PM
By Lomlom Mizo in Poetry | Reads: 299 | Likes: 0
In these illusory scrapes of nostalgic imagery, The mind wanders amidst the past; I was such an angry kid when you and I met, Carrying pain on my left hand and chaos on the right; With a tongue clad with poison and the words calculated to wound your soul. I was always so angry at the world I c  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 12:10 AM
A Beautiful Woman
By rahul rathi in True Story | Reads: 299 | Likes: 0
The beautiful woman is not the one with a zero figure or with a beautiful looks :') A woman is not beautiful because she can do a ramp walk or she applies make up and become beautiful :) A woman is beautiful because she stands tall with a smile despite the bunch of problems in her life. The beauti  Read More...
Published on May 30,2020 04:22 PM
but my mom says
By Manjari Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 298 | Likes: 0
They ask me why I’ve gotten such a big mouth for a lady And too thin of a stomach for a girl. They question my hair, picking it apart strand by strand I wish I could scream back at them, “Beware, this is a no man’s land.” These legs weren’t silked for you to trace along  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 12:58 PM
Light in the time of darkness
By Bhavana Sanon in General Literary | Reads: 298 | Likes: 0
This short essay is my perspective on the current world situation with the outbreak of Covid-19. Yes, it is disturbing and deadly and it has thrown the mightiest of us on our knees and locked us up like animals in a cage (for a change) fighting for survival; but the world is changing and in some asp  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 01:04 PM
Moments of Life
By Sankalp Shrivastava in Poetry | Reads: 298 | Likes: 0
Life is a compilation of moments we live. Some of them are beautiful. Some of them are fearful. Some of them are worth the wait. Some of them are just fate. Every moment has its own importance. Every moment has it’s own say into how our life may shape up. As a human, we make big plans fo  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 03:06 PM
The Cart Puller
By Soraisam Anuka in Poetry | Reads: 298 | Likes: 0
The Cart Puller He was there walking in front of us. I was sitting in a rickshaw and; there he was in front of me, turning the cart full of hay. All I could see from behind; was his pair of dusky legs, moving slowly in a tipsy fashion. Even though he was quite sober, I saw strips of hay slipping do  Read More...
Published on Mar 28,2020 08:59 PM
Wings of Hope
By The Poet in Poetry | Reads: 298 | Likes: 0
To, Love, Being ur Dad, I felt happy. I loved to fly. Hence,I taught you to fly too. One day,You flew higher than me, Happy and proud I asked u to be careful, But,the higher u flew, The smaller I got. Was the sky that beautiful? My eyes filled with hope, Waiting for you to look down, And come back   Read More...
Published on May 24,2020 11:03 PM