पुतलो की आवाज
By Arnab Sarkar in Horror | Reads: 2,089 | Likes: 0
यह कहानी शुरु ‌‌‌होती है एक घटना से, तब मैं बहुत छोटा था। शायद मैं चतुर्थ या पंचम कक्षा में पढ़ता था। मैं और मेरा   Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 10:38 AM
Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention
By shailesh rathod in General Literary | Reads: 2,086 | Likes: 1
Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention Students report a variety of reasons for dropping out of school; therefore the solutions are multidimensional. The National Dropout Prevention Center has identified 15 Effective Strategies that have the most posi  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 09:37 AM
Dear You
By Baishali Deb in Poetry | Reads: 2,084 | Likes: 1
I know you would be there where I call for you I know you would stand by my side if I told you I need you  I know you would be there if I asked a bit of your time  I know you would be there to listen, if I told you I need to share something  I know you for what you are. I've seen your  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 12:09 PM
By Kapilendra Das in General Literary | Reads: 2,084 | Likes: 13
PANDEMIC-2020: UNFOLDS HUMAN TRAGEDY             KAPILENDRA DAS India got freedom and emerged as a republic with its own constitution. A billion of people of the nation have completed their journey of 72 years and are entering their 73 years. Th  Read More...
Published on May 30,2020 06:31 PM
The Silver Lining behind Covid-19
By Huzaifa Shakir in General Literary | Reads: 2,072 | Likes: 5
Today we meet in a dark hour as the worst pandemic in over a century sweeps the globe, stretching health systems and economies to breaking point and fear has enveloped the entire world. So the reason there’s a politics of fear right now is because fear sells. It’s much easier than having  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 11:16 PM
শেষ ইচ্ছা// বদরুদ্দোজা শেখু, বাংলায়
By BADARUDDOZA SHEKHU in Fantasy | Reads: 2,066 | Likes: 0
শেষ ইচ্ছা // বদরুদ্দোজা শেখু --------------------------------------------- ভজহরি মন্ডল জজ কোর্টের এক উকীলের  টাইপ রাইটার ছিল । তার টাইপরাইটার  Read More...
Published on Apr 19,2020 12:15 AM
The Hope
By Sunil Kumar in General Literary | Reads: 2,028 | Likes: 5
Not a story but something to "share with"my planet-mates . In the recent horrendous covid-19 outbreak , which is terrifying and pervasively diffusing through touch, people have an eternal self- assurance "The Hope". People consciously built their aliveness, designed a lively kingdom with in the  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 12:29 AM
Motivated YouTube Channels in Tamil
By Selva in Supernatural | Reads: 2,026 | Likes: 2
Reason for write this list: Few days back, I realized that social media are controlled me their need.  So many content comes as suggestion which is not required at the time.  If i planned to spend 15 min on YouTube. Do you think i can exits exact 15 min, No! not possible. They give me  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 02:17 AM
A Song to keep us warm
By Kaushik Raghunathan in Poetry | Reads: 2,023 | Likes: 5
Our star is destined by it's mass to become a white dwarf from which state it slowly loses more of its energy and becomes a black dwarf. A black dwarf's last vestiges of heat emits only as much light as the embers of fire one makes from gathered woods do. So when I watch a sunset, I am visited by a   Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 02:01 PM
By Komal Bhadauria in General Literary | Reads: 2,001 | Likes: 2
ट्विटर के सर्च ऑप्शन पर जाकर यदि आप चूड़ियां, बिंदी, घुंघरू, साड़ी इत्यादि लिखेंगे तो आपको तमाम ट्वीट ऐसे मिलेंगे ज  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 02:35 PM
माया जाल ! Maya jaal !
By Kartik Thukral in Poetry | Reads: 1,987 | Likes: 0
माया जाल ! Maya jaal  ! प्यासा प्यासा एक बगूला  आस बड़े  जब जीवन की  भूखा ही मर जाये  लगे   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:10 PM
Hammock Night♥️
By Ruffa in Romance | Reads: 1,987 | Likes: 0
It was 1.30am . She was sitting outside in lawn and was gazing at the stars.. It was so beautiful and could feel complete silence around her.. Many random thoughts were running in her mind. From the way she came back from her her native to Chennai to start her career. The struggle she faced initial  Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 09:05 PM
Joe’s Tale
By Hima in True Story | Reads: 1,982 | Likes: 0
The Oberoi’s had just shifted from the pristine town of Rishikesh to Mumbai. Ajay had got an offer from a multinational company. The package was handsome, and the company also provided a house in a posh locality of Mumbai. Maya, Ajay’s wife always wanted her kids, Ira a bright and chirpy  Read More...
Published on Jun 2,2020 02:58 PM
What's your name?
By Spoorthi in Romance | Reads: 1,978 | Likes: 32
Looking at her smile is one of the best things I’ve seen. Not all the girls get that smile. The smile that lightens up my world. The smile that chases me all day long. The smile that pursues my dreams. The smile that makes me smile. The smile which I want to see forever. A couple of weeks ago.  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 05:37 PM
मेरे हो यार
By nishant kumar soni in Romance | Reads: 1,961 | Likes: 1
                             जी भर कर देख ले मुझे यार               जज्बात प्यार के , एहसास यार के   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 10:07 PM