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99 Pearls Of Wisdom

Author Name: Coach Moin Khan | Format: Paperback | Genre : BODY, MIND & SPIRIT | Other Details

Why Read This Book?

In this book I bring forward 99 Time Tested Quotations to rejuvenate your faculty. Quotes Act Like a food for thought. It enlightens our Mind. Inspire our Action. Opens a new window to think otherwise. That is why I call them as pearl of wisdom.

It gives us an opportunity to connect with wise men of the past and it exposes us to peep into the minds of Great people.

When we use quotations, it makes our speech sound more elegant and impressive. At times we can say much using few lines of influential quotations.

Coach Moin Khan



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About the Author:

Coach Moin Khan is an Author,

A Success Coach and a Master Trainer, he is also the Founder and Chief Mentor at Amazing Institute of Training and Development.

He has Trained, Coached guided more than 35 thousand people in his 21 years of Professional Training Career. 

He has trained people from more than 35 Countries. He Specialises in the field of Public Speaking, Body Language, Communication, Training and Success Coaching.

His Mission in life is to help 1 billion people unstuck from their Limited Mindset, unleash their True Potential, have more Clarity and Courage to move ahead to live the life of their dreams.



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