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Author Name: M. Yusuf Irfan Ansari | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Fiction | Other Details

Everyone wants to remember their childhood. Because he is very beautiful. In childhood, we can do whatever we want. Can do anything and we all have a lot of fun too. As we grow up, the problems in our life also increase. That's why everyone always remembers their childhood. This novel is also like that. A boy who was living his life beautifully, suddenly his life started getting troubled and a mountain of mysteries came up. Many such things which were never told to him. Which he should have known. He goes out in search of just this. There is great beauty in this novel, all the changes in his life and how many secrets are there in his life, how he finds them all. Along with this there is also entertainment, thriller, fighting and espionage. Due to which this novel becomes even better and liked by the people. I hope you will definitely like it.



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M. Yusuf Irfan Ansari

I am M. Yusuf Irfan Ansari. I had a great passion for writing since the age of 10. I used to write something or the other every day. Like a story or a poem. People used to like my stories very much. To my parents and teachers too. Which encouraged me even more. Due to the grief of writing, I thought that my book should also be published. So that I know how people like my stories. Then after doing a lot of research, I came to know about Notion Press. I am very happy that there is still such a company which gives people a chance to enhance their qualities. Then when I tried to understand people, I came to know that everyone is depressed. Here every fourth person is a victim of depression. So why not write a book on this and tell people how to get out of depression. Then I did a lot of research on it and then I wrote a book. The name of the book is "The Depression Mind and Health Problems". Which I published through "Notion Press". Similarly, I published the first book of my life at the age of 17. I felt very happy. Then I thought that now a novel should also be published. Today at the age of 18, I am publishing my second book. Because I don't want to stop now. I want to be the number one writer in the whole world.

