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A HandBook on English Class XI CBSE From English Grammar to Prose and Poems

Author Name: Pritma Jashnani | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

When students reach 11th and 12th class in CBSE board, they have to study English along with exercises in  Language.  Since English Grammar of most of the students is not clear,   they need some special guidance to get a better understanding of English Grammar.  

The use of tenses, active passive,  filling the gaps are some of the exercises, which these students get in English paper. All exercises on tenses, active passive, gap filling etc. Have been made to help students practice.



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Pritma Jashnani

Pritma Jashnani, is the head of the Centre of Computer Technology, Lucknow, who has taught several students so far in her career of 25 years.

She has taught more than 4000+ students who are now successfully placed in top companies. She has a unique style of teaching. She believes in quality education rather than increasing the number of students.

She has been teaching courses like

Java, Website  Designing, Data Structures, Python, Android, and a lot more to B.Tech, MCA, and BCA students.



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