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a year in juggling

Author Name: Rishabh Chaudhary | Format: Paperback | Genre : Sports & Games | Other Details
1100th hundred! A sudden thought came. It happened so fast that I can't even express that in words. December 31st, 2018. It will begin tomorrow! finally. But will I be able to survive for that long? It's a 365-day journey. Honestly speaking, being a procrastinator, it looked pretty easy. Standing on day 187th. I feel it the same way I felt on that day(December 31st). January 1st,2019. I scored a mere 42! But it was something special, that is for sure. Since the beginning of my schooling, I always had a feeling that one day I will do "a thing" for the whole 365-days. Even today as a 21-year old I think that I will one day. Standing today after scoring 959 hundred in juggling(by both feet). I learnt a lesson in life that that tomorrow never comes and that was the reason for my procrastination. I think everyone would be thinking that how a procrastinator became a juggler all of a sudden. I know it seems a bit unreal to be honest. I can give many examples like this player that player motivated me and one fine day I woke up and did it! I don't have an answer for that, to be honest. But on this day I felt that I should share my story simply because it will help everyone that nothing is impossible if you have the days as of now. But I know it within myself, that my body has supported me till today and it will take me to the remaining days... I don't want to stretch it for too long because I have to speak to you all again... And you know when!
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Rishabh Chaudhary

An Avid bibliophile since the very beginning, Rishabh always had the inquisitiveness to express his thoughts and his sports love has brought out those thoughts out in the world. A B.Com graduate, who loves almost everything under the sun.
