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Anushasan, Kadaacharan, Vibhagiy jaanch prakriya, Nilamban, Prakrithik nyay ke sidhaant, vibhaagiya jaanch se bachaav

Author Name: L. N. Singh | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

At a glance…

You are still unknown about very sensitive departmental enquiry and efficacious knock of management in banking services ( including ) . you think at the time of need you will consult someone and get the problem solved. It is better Prevention is always better than cure than It is too late to lock the stable door when the steed is stolen . more or less so called specialist of the departmental enquiry are not more than quack. Will you not interested to be an specialist of this subject ? Such book in Hindi has perhaps ever passed through your sights.

What will you get in this book :-

Specialization in every point of departmental enquiry. Which increase your self-confidence.

The power to turn your weaknesses into excellence .

Who knows that you will be mentor of of how many needy persons .

Be a strong bridge between management and employees.

Read it and use yourself even if you are not a law specialist.

Aware of the decisions of High courts and Supreme court.

Technic of defence from departmental enquiry, you will not get anywhere…

Hardcover 499

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L. N. Singh

Mr. L N SINGH, is a renowned trade union leader of his bank. His clear and far sighted thoughts as stand mile- stones through continuously new presentations. Use of calculators in banking, convening of discussion about banking, convening of first family meet in bank, delightful presentation on Cash credit limit, coaching to bank employees for promotion exams etc. So many constructive works have given him a different identity. His sharp & practical brain has established him as a teacher, as a professional consultant, as a splendid speaker and a great writer. His invincible courage and bold correspondence, has astonished not only the top management and top trade union leaders but the oppressed, penalized and unassisted employees who also keep deep faith in him as the trustworthy helper in exigency. Mr. L. N. Singh has been awarded as the best actor, chess champion, district level painter (Yuvakalakarsamiti) in his college. He is also well known as an experienced writer, an Enquiry officer, Presenting officer and Defense counsel in many cases…



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