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Cry In the Dark Days

Author Name: Abdul Rahim Khurram | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

Michael and Lindy Chamberlain are camping with their three children. During a bonfire BBQ, the baby screams. Lindy checks on Azaria and finds a dingo with food. Lost baby isn't found. Lindy's story is confirmed. Chamberlain loses favour. Many consider Lindy cool and accepting of her fate. Her rumours are confirmed.



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Abdul Rahim Khurram

The Books  is a work of fiction in the suspense, thriller, and mystery subgenres. It is intended for the general adult reading audience. In this riveting tale set in recent times, we find ourselves in different times era. As the title suggests, our central protagonist is different characters who act differently in different conditions.

Author Abdul Rahim Khurram has a particular knack for creating characters, especially their emotional and psychological profiling. You will find it enjoyable and engrossing to explore what went on in the heads of both the criminal and the victim in this tale and the various guesses and theories surrounding the macabre habits of the dark central figure. The Story line of different stories was highly effective, serving to move the plot forward whilst also adding to the unique flavor of the different characters involved in different stories while differentiating their ages, attitudes, and backgrounds. This will made you highly invested in the fate of the cast, especially the young adult lead, and had me turning pages to see what else would happen right through to the Stories startling but very satisfying conclusion of each Story. Overall, you would not hesitate to recommend The book to suspenseful murders mystery fans.

