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Cutaneous Mycosis

Author Name: Dr.Nidhi Sharma & Dr.Priyanka Sharma | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

This book is an illuminating exploration of fungal infections affecting the skin. Authored by experts in Dermatology and Mycology, this concise yet comprehensive book unravels the complexities of cutaneous mycoses. It offers invaluable insights into the etiology, clinical manifestations, and modern diagnostic techniques for these fungal afflictions. With a focus on treatment options and prevention strategies, "Cutaneous Mycosis" serves as an indispensable resource for medical professionals and students.



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Dr.Nidhi Sharma & Dr.Priyanka Sharma

Dr. Nidhi Sharma is a distinguished dermatologist with over eight years of clinical experience in field of Dermatology. She has completed her MBBS and MD (Dermatology) from prestigious GMC Jammu and presently working as Senior Resident in the same institution, where she has not only treated countless patients but also mentored the next generation of dermatologists. Her upcoming book "Cutaneous Mycosis" is a testament to her expertise and commitment to the field of Dermatology and will serve as invaluable resource for medical students and researchers.

Dr. Priyanka Sharma is  a dedicated and passionate Microbiologist who loves her work more than anything.She completed her MD (Microbiology) from prestigious GMC, Jammu and presently working as Lecturer in the same institution. She  has truly made her mark through a prolific array of publications. Being a Microbiologist she helped and contributed during the turbulent COVID-19 outbreak. In addition to her research, she is a dedicated educator. She has taught microbiology at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, inspiring countless students to embark on their own journeys in the world of Microbiology.



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