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Elements of Western Ecological Philosophy

Author Name: Allan M. Savage | Format: Paperback | Genre : Philosophy | Other Details

The notions I present here for consideration are, in fact, not new. In short, they are phenomenological notions. As ideas, expressed within the Western-Hellenic tradition, they have been discussed for a very long time in philosophy. They may appear “new to you” as a thinker exploring for the first time, or continuing to explore, the philosophical relationships that give meaning to life in the cosmos. Whatever “newness” there is in this brief book arises in the reader’s subjective awareness or consciousness of what the individual human mind has come to assign in place of its previous understanding. The reader may find much that is familiar in this small book but at the same time will be presented with a re-casting of ideas that constitutes a new conception of earlier ideas as notions and offers the possibility of a new philosophical perspective. 




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Allan M. Savage

Allan M. Savage is an independent academic researcher in philosophy, theology and the humanities. He holds credentials from the University of Toronto, (B.A.); St Paul University, Ottawa, (S.T.B.); Heythrop College (Postgraduate Diploma); University of South Africa (D.Th.) and European-American University (D.Litt.). He serves on the Editorial Team of the Journal of Research in Philosophy and History.

