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Flight MH??? The Aviation Mystery That Shook the World

Author Name: Rishi G | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Nonfiction | Other Details

On March 8, 2014, MH370, a Malaysia Airlines flight with 239 passengers on board, disappeared from radar screens. Since then, a year of searching has brought only fragments of debris and a mountain of questions. In this compelling and heartbreaking book, you will learn more than just about the disappearance of MH370; you will learn about the science behind the search, the arguments that surround it, and the suspicions that persist. You will learn about the people who lost their loved ones, the grief they experienced, the questions that remain unanswered, and the search for answers around the world. MH??? is a story that will take you to the core of this ongoing tragedy. It is a tribute to the lives lost, a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit, and a determination to find the truth, even when it seems impossible.



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Rishi G

Hey there! I'm Rishi, the writer behind MH???. Maybe you wouldn't expect someone who spends hours knee-deep in airplanes disappearing down internet rabbit holes to be the one tackling this mystery. But the truth is, I've always been drawn to puzzles. When I'm not swimming laps or racing my bike, I'm lost in another world, whether it's a video game or the intricate code that makes computers tick. MH370 became a puzzle I just couldn't ignore, a mystery that demanded answers. So, here I am, diving deep into this story, hoping to shed some light on what happened to that fateful flight.

