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Harmonic Ardour

Author Name: Jerlin Flower S And Aathisha John Kennady | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

About The Book

"Harmonic Ardour" is a journey that takes the readers for a ride through the up and downs of the musical note. The co-authors have given their subject in all genres, and they especially have written about the nature and love which is associated with music.



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Jerlin Flower S And Aathisha John Kennady

Jerlin Flower S was born in a beautiful evergreen district of Tamil Nadu, Kanyakumari. The coauthor of 50+ anthologies, now teaches English literature at the college level. As time moves on she is learning various lessons from people around her and she shares these learnings with the world in form of her poems, stories and catchy quotes. Her writing reflects her
thoughts beautifully. You can see her amazing writings, @jerlin_flower (insta page)


Aathisha John Kennady is a poet who brings out the common feeling in an elite manner. The most inspirational aspect is that the readers get themselves emotionally attached to the poem, which in itself is an achievement for the writer. We all know that the common feelings can never be said, but Aathisha here makes a brilliant stunt by expressing her feelings through the poems



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