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i hope this finds you to the ones that could never belong

Author Name: samica mehta | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

i close my eyes putting my most beautiful dream of watching you sleep to an end

i hold you, because i can, and let my body whisper

“you make self-love look so easy and beautiful.”


you gave a face to my future and my dreams

you gave my direction a path

my calls of hope a voice to reach

my eyes a sight to see


“you’ve got sad eyes with a hint of braveness,” is all she said,

that moment changed my life


i still think i just needed to be kissed, or hugged, or talked to about ordinary dreams, failures, about bridges and red rare bushes. about souls and personalities - broken personalities - and how they are fixable. how sadness isn’t here to stay but it might take a while. how some days you need to be on your own and just make it to the end of the day or cry it all out on your own because friends aren’t always there beside you. i just feel so deeply for everything, and i’m not sure if there’s anything scarier than that. because this is life. its cold and harsh with cracks of warmth and softness.


i slept. i dreamed of words. can you mend me?

i hope this finds you is the question of all the answers you’ve been searching all your life.



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samica mehta

Samica Mehta is a freelance writer and dancer. She is based in the UK, studying BA Dance at University of Surrey, Guildford. She’s a young girl who dares to dream and live life on her own terms. She is successful at expressing what's in her heart and toughing the nerve of young like-minded individuals. ‘I hope this finds you’ is a soul stirring, frank and fascinating, armed with incredible warmth, intense feelings and down to earth writing - she expresses the feelings of a young dreamer. You can follow her on Facebook (Samica Mehta), Instagram (samicamehta) and Wordpress (



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