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Author Name: Anand Veturi | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

Everything goes fine with Srusthila a young Neuro Surgeon, until the day she meets Chaitanya. She met him in a mutual interest chat group related to medical science and technology. After a couple of chats over the internet she meets him in “Red Roses” restaurant. Even though she seems uninterested in him, the evening goes smoothly. Chaitanya meets with an accident and dies while undergoing surgery. At this juncture different persons with  different past and different life comes into Srusthila’s life incidentally. As part of investigation into Chaitanya’s accident case Police commissioner Kranthi Kishore suspects that there’s something fishy about death. He feels that Srusthila knows more than what she tells him. Who  are these characters and how are they related to Chaithanya? Did Chaithanya die in an accident or it’s a premeditated murder forms the rest of the story making it a definite page turner. Do read this Science fiction thriller and get captivated in an engrossing thrill ride.  



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Anand Veturi

The Book “Instinctual” you are about read is written by young author Mr. Anand Veturi whose full name is Veturi RamaBrahmananda Sastry. He is a Novelist and Translator from Andhra Pradesh who translated many works from English to Telugu such as ‘What Can I give’by Srijan Pal Singh, ‘The Diary of a young girl’ by Anne Frank, 'Anthem,' by Ayn Rand, Conversation with chaos by Javed Ahmed. All these works have been already released by Godavari Publications in the market. This is his first Original work in English ‘Instinctual’ which is a thriller novel and based on his own novel '. Anand currently lives along with his wife Sireesha in Mysore,Karnataka in connection with his job. Apart from novels he writes
audio plays and articles as well.

