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Ladder to Success

Author Name: Aishwarya Tripathi, Nikhil Jain | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

This anthology "Ladder To Success" is a beautiful collection of inspirational literary pieces. The literary art pieces in the book revolve around the theme called "Never Give Up". People in today's fast growing world have developed a tendency of giving up on things if they didn't make it, they loose hope and end up being sad and worrisome. 

The literary pieces in this book will take you to a world of fascination. These inspiring poems will take you into the fascinating world of books, only to have you return with an inspirational book or two inside you. These pieces will spur you to achieve great things, or tell you that you can do it, and shall make you think big and be vivacious. 

The compilers cordially invite  you to read these and explore your inner talent, discover the hidden you and will help you rise from the ashes.



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Aishwarya Tripathi, Nikhil Jain

Aishwarya Tripathi is a student of humanities and comes from a historic town of Kushinagar. Aishwarya is a dreamer and believer. A world record holder for being one of the authors of 100 SAINOS first book ever written entirely based on SAINO, she has been part of 50+ anthologies as co-author, she worked as author in 3 books and has compiled 9 anthologies. She believes that best deed is to help those in need, and so she worked with the team of Galgotias University, TWOTH and Jaunpur as covid volunteer during the deadly 2nd wave of the pandemic in India. You can catch her via her Instagram handel @aishwarya.838

Nikhil Jain is a writer from Dhule, Maharashtra. He is very fond of sharing his knowledge with others. He loves to travel, discover new things and create linguistic pieces. He loves to write, and believes that by writing, we can express our inner feelings very well. He has 30 book compilations to his credit as Compiler. He has self-founded two successfully running e-publications named "Unité Publication" and "love.vibes143". Many of their publications are among top 100 Trending pieces on Amazon. 

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Instagram : @love.vibes143




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