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Money Laundering A Handbook for CDD Compliance

Author Name: Oliver Lin Format: eBook | Genre : True Stories | Other Details

The first edition, Money Laundering, A Handbook for CDD Compliance provides empirical facts of money laundering that forced the world to unite to combat corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing. Authored by Oliver, Master of Laws and Accountant (UK), obtained the foundation of the Handbook from in-depth research supporting the complexity of the society matrix attributing to crimes in the Asia and Southeast Asia regions. In this comprehensive handbook, FATF members and DNFBPs follow the FATF  universal standards to fight money laundering and terrorist financing.

The NCB confiscation measure threatens property of the criminals. How corruption, money laundering occurs and how organised crime survive? How terrorists create terror and how IS survive? How lawyer Robin defence for not reporting a suspicious transaction? How identity verification for Arumugam s/o Muthu exempted? This handbook provides the answer.

UN instruments and FATF preventive measures compliance are mandatory. Failure to comply undermines the status of the FATF member. For the DNFBP, the penalty will occur. To discharge mandatory compliance, the FATF standards and the application of the principles require guidance and illustration of hypothesis examples of different DNFBP service providers. Also, with the precedent forms and flowcharts to assist the compliance officers.

Transforming the FATF standards into domestic statues, Singapore model was adopted. Further, how Mutual Evaluation operates to assess the risk of a nation in AML/CFT reveals the effectiveness of the AML/CFT system in force. Success in AML/CFT is the acquisition of the detection skill of a suspicious transaction and a competent authority.


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Oliver Lin

Oliver is a professional with more than 40 years of practical working experience and is on a mission to assist Compliance Officers to understand and to acquire specific skill in Anti- Money Laundering and Counter Financing Terrorism (“AML/CFT”) compliance assignment.  Trained as an Investment Banker, Accountant, MCSI Practitioner and Legal Advocacy Support Specialist in Corporate Law, he has a unique sound background in corporate finance, regulatory compliance, and regulatory investigation.

He has held a political appointee position as Trade Commissioner for 15 years.  He also held the post of President and Director of a U.S. listed a public company for about 8 years.  Oliver is currently the Director of the AFS Singapore (Paralegal) Pte Ltd (since June 2010) and Access Finance and Securities (NZ) Limited (since June 2009).  AFS Singapore provides specialised services such as AML/CFT consulting and training, preparing the AML/CFT operations manual, and AML/CFT IPPC independent assessor. Website:

In 2009, Oliver read law at the Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, UK.  He took a 4-year Qualifying Law Degree, and in 2013, he graduated and conferred a Bachelor of Law Honours degree with an award Second Class (First Division).  Subsequently, Oliver took a two-year postgraduate course with Nottingham Law School specialising in Corporate and Insolvency Law.  He graduated in 2016 and was conferred with a Master of Laws, Corporate and Insolvency Law with an award Commendation.  He wrote a dissertation: Insider Dealing and the Criminal Regime: Are Criminal Sanctions Necessarily Effective in Deterring Insider Dealing?  Oliver is a Fellow Member of the Association of International Accountants (UK), Fellow Member of the Institute of Public Accountants (Australia) and Fellow Member of the Institute of Financial Accountants (UK).  He is also a Member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (UK), Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (UK), and a Member of the Singapore Corporate Counsel Association.

Oliver contributes to his writing of articles with LinkedIn.  He wrote articles on money laundering.  Theme: Combating Money Laundering, the Frontline Soldier which runs in series.  He enjoys sharing his knowledge with those who have an interest in AML/CFT compliance and corporate finance (Capital Market).  His LinkedIn URL is  His email: