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Mountains May Bleed

Author Name: Swapna Jose | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

Dr. Elisa Peters was the epitome of beauty with brains! A trailblazer in the academic world who broke stereotypes. She raised a daughter by herself, acquired degrees to her credit and mentored numerous students across the globe... nothing could stop the fierce Elisa.

Until something did!

Who was the mystery man of her dreams that made Elisa change tracks? Why was she found in a hotel room away from the safe confines of her home? What were the dark secrets that she uncovered that threatened her very existence?

Discover a narcissist’s world of control, sex and abuse. Read on to find out more about the secrets that lurk in plain sight!



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Swapna Jose

Swapna Jose is a staunch advocate of women’s empowerment and believes in the advocacy of equal rights for all. 

A statistician by academics and a Relationship Lead by profession, she boasts a rich experience of 23 years with prestigious MNCs. Born in India, Swapna has lived in the Philippines and has travelled extensively to countries including Mexico, USA, Brazil and the UAE.

Raised in a Syrian Catholic family, her writing is infused with elements of Indian culture and religion as experienced during the late ’90s. In this debut novel she uses her voice to champion the cause of women in narcissistic relationships, address power dynamics and question the assumed roles of a couple in an Indian marriage.

Through her poignant storytelling Swapna strives to challenge conventional narratives, expose injustices, and ignite conversations towards meaningful and healthy relationships.

A single mom, a dog parent and a chai lover, when she is not writing, you can find her cooking and making wines. Swapna is currently based in Melbourne with her teenage son.



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