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Rage Revenge

Author Name: Sam. W | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

In the intricate tapestry of Fang's life, where evading shadows was an unspoken art, a chance encounter with the enigmatic Kim thrusts her into a whirlwind of unpredictability. This stunning cavalier becomes both the source of chaos and a beacon of hope for the girls around him. Yet, as fate binds them once more, an unforeseen accident unravels a fresh nightmare. Now, standing at the crossroads of adversity and destiny, can they weave a narrative of resilience and create a masterpiece before the final curtain descends?




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Sam. W

Unassuming as I may be, my journey unveils a simple individual who has mastered an extraordinary craft—writing. It's more than a skill; it's a passion intertwined with my very essence. The path hasn't been easy, but dreaming of penning a book has always fueled my aspirations. Join me on the adventure with Fang, where my words aspire to forge a profound connection with you, the reader.

