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SUJOK THERAPY Holistic Health for all

Author Name: Doctor Ashok Sethi | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

Sujok Therapy  is an advanced acupressure technique. It explains how it was discovered by Prof Park of South Korea. An acupressure point in this therapy is called Correspondence Point. There are three systems in it : Basic Correspondence System, Insect Correspondence System and Mini Correspondence Systems. Images of all the correspondence points have been shown. It is also explained as how to search and locate the exact correspondence for a particular organ. It explains the usage of Sujok instruments in details. It also shows treatment protocol for various diseases pertaining to all body systems, e.g. Head, Face, Chest, Abdomen, Extremities, Reproductive System, etc etc. It shows the correspondence points for treatment.



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Doctor Ashok Sethi

Doctor Ashok Sethi has been teaching various Holistic Sciences for the last more then two decades. For most of the courses videos and text files are available (if you enroll on our site for any course). Study material of all the courses has been prepared by Doctor Sethi himself, diligntly in simple language. Doctor Sethi is a Holistic Sciences Cosultant for various holistic sciences, e.g. Sujok, Smile Meditation, Smile Yoga, Lama Fera, Reiki, Violet Flame Reiki, EFT, Tarot Reading, Dowsing, Astrology, Jin Shin Jyutsu, etc etc.

He has been honoured as Yog and Ayurved Kulbhushan and Gem of Alternative Medicines.

Apart from having learnt and obtained Diplomas for the above therapies, he is an MD (AM) and holds Fellowship in Holistic Health.



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