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Author Name: Guru Prasad | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

Adhyeshyate cha ya imam dharmyam samvaadamaavayoh;
Jnaanayajnena tenaaham ishtah syaamiti me matih.
70. And he who will study this sacred dialogue of ours, by him I shall have been worshipped
by the sacrifice of wisdom; such is My conviction.
Shraddhaavaan anasooyashcha shrinuyaadapi yo narah;
So’pi muktah shubhaamllokaan praapnuyaat punyakarmanaam.
71. The man also who hears this, full of faith and free from malice, he, too, liberated, shall
attain to the happy worlds of those of righteous deeds.
Kacchid etacchrutam paartha twayaikaagrena chetasaa;
Kacchid ajnaanasammohah pranashtaste dhananjaya.
72. Has this been heard, O Arjuna, with one-pointed mind? Has the delusion of thy
ignorance been fully destroyed, O Dhananjaya?
Arjuna Uvaacha:
Nashto mohah smritirlabdhaa twatprasaadaanmayaachyuta;
Sthito’smi gata sandehah karishye vachanam tava.
Arjuna said: Destroyed is my delusion as I have gained my memory (knowledge) through Thy Grace,O Krishna! I am firm; my doubts are gone. I will act according to Thy word.

Sanjaya Uvaacha:
Ityaham vaasudevasya paarthasya cha mahaatmanah;
Samvaadam imam ashrausham adbhutam romaharshanam.
Sanjaya said:
74. Thus have I heard this wonderful dialogue between Krishna and the high-souled Arjuna,
which causes the hair to stand on end.
Vyaasaprasaadaacchrutavaan etadguhyamaham param;
Yogam yogeshwaraat krishnaat saakshaat kathayatah swayam.
75. Through the Grace of Vyasa I have heard this supreme and most secret Yoga direct fr
Hari Om Tat Sat

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Guru Prasad

Adhyeshyate cha ya imam dharmyam samvaadamaavayoh;
Jnaanayajnena tenaaham ishtah syaamiti me matih.
And he who will study this sacred dialogue of ours, by him I shall have been worshipped
by the sacrifice of wisdom; such is My conviction.
Shraddhaavaan anasooyashcha shrinuyaadapi yo narah;
So’pi muktah shubhaamllokaan praapnuyaat punyakarmanaam. The man also who hears this, full of faith and free from malice, he, too, liberated, shall
attain to the happy worlds of those of righteous deeds.
Kacchid etacchrutam paartha twayaikaagrena chetasaa;
Kacchid ajnaanasammohah pranashtaste dhananjaya.
Has this been heard, O Arjuna, with one-pointed mind? Has the delusion of thy
ignorance been fully destroyed, O Dhananjaya?
Arjuna Uvaacha:
Nashto mohah smritirlabdhaa twatprasaadaanmayaachyuta;
Sthito’smi gata sandehah karishye vachanam tava.
Arjuna said:

Destroyed is my delusion as I have gained my memory (knowledge) through Thy Grace,
O Krishna! I am firm; my doubts are gone. I will act according to Thy word.
Sanjaya Uvaacha:
Ityaham vaasudevasya paarthasya cha mahaatmanah;
Samvaadam imam ashrausham adbhutam romaharshanam.
Sanjaya said:
Thus have I heard this wonderful dialogue between Krishna and the high-souled Arjuna,
which causes the hair to stand on end.
Vyaasaprasaadaacchrutavaan etadguhyamaham param;
Yogam yogeshwaraat krishnaat saakshaat kathayatah swayam.
Through the Grace of Vyasa I have heard this supreme and most secret Yoga direct frOM 
Hari Om Tat Sat          

