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The chicken chroicles Dramedy

Author Name: Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

The Chicken Chronicles: Hilarity, Love, and Political Feathers" is a laugh-out-loud tale that follows Srikanth, a food-loving dreamer, on his misadventures in the poultry business, courtroom dramas, and unexpected romance. Filled with hillarious conversations, absurd situations, and surprising twists, this comical journey reminds us to find joy and humor even in the most peculiar circumstances. Get ready for a rollercoaster of laughter and unexpected connections in this unforgettable tale.



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Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli

“Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli is a poet, writer, and author of the new novel Vedant anitarasadhyam in telugu language,his past writings are Samudram dachina keratalu,Marani manushula kathalu,Picchi geethalu and 22 methods to irrigate a crop,upgrades of papaya.”

