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The Power of Positive Aging Embracing Life After Fifty

Author Name: Dr. Minakshi Bansal | Format: | Other Details

This is an inspiring and insightful guide that encourages readers to view the later years of life with optimism and vitality. This book challenges the conventional narratives about aging, presenting it not as a decline but as a period rich with opportunities for growth, learning, and enjoyment. It offers practical advice on maintaining physical health, mental well-being, and social connections, emphasizing the importance of a positive mindset in navigating the changes that come with aging. Through personal stories, scientific research, and actionable strategies, the author provides a roadmap for thriving in post-retirement years, focusing on the potential for reinvention and the pursuit of passions. 


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Dr. Minakshi Bansal

Dr. Minakshi Bansal, originally from Delhi, India, has made significant strides in various fields after relocating to Ahmedabad, Gujarat post-marriage. As an accomplished artist, esteemed author, dedicated social worker, and research scholar in Psychology, Dr. Bansal epitomizes a life dedicated to societal betterment and personal growth. Her work, particularly with underprivileged children, demonstrates her belief in the transformative power of engagement and empathy.

From a young age, Minakshi exhibited a profound passion for reading, immersing herself in a world of ethical tales, inspirational stories, and mythic parables rich with life lessons. Influenced by the lives of notable figures like Adi Shankaracharya, Swami Vivekananda, and Mahatma Gandhi, she aspired to embody their ideals of resilience and selflessness. These inspirations have fueled her ambitions and shaped her personal and professional life.

In her academic pursuits, Dr. Bansal focuses on understanding the human psyche to promote psychological well-being and societal harmony. Her research is complemented by her active involvement in social work, where she applies her psychological insights to real-world scenarios, helping improve the lives of those in disadvantaged communities. She combines traditional wisdom with modern psychological practices in her social work, innovating solutions to the complex challenges these communities face.

Dr. Bansal's artistic talents extend beyond personal passion; her art serves as a medium for communication and connection, reflecting her philosophical and social concerns. Her works are rich in symbolism and emotional depth, offering insight into her intellectual and compassionate perspectives.

Dr. Bansal's diverse talents and interests—spanning the arts, literature, psychology, and healing practices—merge on a path of service, reflecting the legacy of the historical luminaries who inspired her. Her efforts in writing, art, and social advocacy continue to inspire new generations toward self-discovery, resilience, and altruism.

Her dedication to uplifting underprivileged children highlights her deep understanding of education's transformative potential. By integrating her knowledge across multiple disciplines, Dr. Bansal has developed a holistic approach to social work that addresses both immediate and long-term community well-being.



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