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Author Name: Viveka Vardhan | Format: Paperback | Genre : Arts, Photography & Design | Other Details

Photography is all about capturing emotions without filters. One who is thinking that no one is observing him is the true subject where all his emotions appear pure just like a small baby. This book is a compilation of all such photographs where the people are unaware of being captured



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Viveka Vardhan

Viveka Vardhan Naidu Bhyripudi, an Under Graduate student of Electrical Engineering domain made his debut with the book "The glimpse of Indian Education". With best support from his mentors and friends, he made his way into many technical symposiums,with an engaged team   "HYDRA". Besides writer, he is a player, a good orator, an artist and a photography enthisiast, certified from "Michigan State University" in beginners domain. Apart from all these skills, on an idea to promote the concept of "Vision 2020", he founded an independent organization "IGEN Foundation", where his friends are the active panel members of that organized body...

