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Want to Know God: For Young and Old Perfect Book of Wisdom with Enchanting Stories

Author Name: Ajay Gupta | Format: Paperback | Genre : Religion & Spirituality | Other Details

One of the most common topics of discussions and debates all over the world is, “Does God exist or not?” Can anyone show me God? Have you seen God? Is God a mystery? It is difficult to believe in something which we do not see with our own eyes. This book with separate chapters on Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism and Sikhism provides answers to these intricate questions on ‘God.’

RS Vasan, Director Chennai Centre for Asia studies wrote in a review, “Refreshingly original, breezy and honest. This wonderful book ‘Want to Know God’ is erudite, all-encompassing, thought provoking and elegantly written. It covers the biggest question of the humanity.... the mystery of God. It is a thoroughly enjoyable book with absorbing stories and quotes from Bhagavad Gita, Bible, Buddhist and Sikhism scriptures. – A must read book for both young and old.”

Dr. A.K Singh: “One of the most common topics of discussions on the existence of ‘God’ has been presented in a soul stirring and gripping manner. The book is well written and joyful to read. It explains the complex topic of ‘God’ with enchanting stories and wisdom of the scriptures. It changes the way you look at the world. -- It is packed with gems of wisdom with immense utility in day to day life... A great read.”

Althea Cooper, “This book has enlightened me and lifted me out of depression.”


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Ajay Gupta

Ajay Gupta is the author of the book ‘Word of God Bhagavad Gita’ which has been widely acclaimed and appreciated by the readers both in India and abroad for its lucid and powerful contents. He has done a thorough study and research work on texts like Bhagavad Gita, Bible, Sikhism and Buddhist scriptures over the past many years.

In this book ‘Want to Know God: For Young and Old,’ the author unveils the mystery of ‘God’ with enchanting stories and quotes from different scriptures. The author had earlier served on board different Indian Naval ships and aircraft. He is now pursuing his passion of writing as a full time author.



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