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Your Mind at Siege (Collector's Edition) Exploring the Conundrum of Consciousness, Artificial Intelligence through the Lens of The Diamond Sutra

Author Name: David James (The UnMonk) | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Religion & Spirituality | Other Details

Introducing the Collector's Version: This exclusive hardbound format is only available in India. 

Your Mind at Siege is a bold and insightful book that challenges us to break free from blind faith and reassert our cognitive independence. It shines a spotlight on our learned obedience to gurus, elite intelligentsia, and sacred texts, predisposing us to kneel before the emerging power of Artificial Intelligence. Delving into the heart of consciousness, the book scrutinizes our growing submission to AI, exposing the lurking danger: not the AI itself, but our uncritical surrender to it as a silicon deity, jeopardizing our very humanity.

Through a daring critique of The Diamond Sutra, the book highlights how language’s inherent limitations can inadvertently confine our understanding of consciousness. Drawing on cutting-edge studies from environmental biology, neuroscience, and cognitive sciences, the author emphasizes the intimate link between consciousness and our physical senses, challenging the notion of consciousness as a detached entity. 

Key Takeaways from the Book

-Liberate your mind from the constraints of dogma and societal thought control, and reclaim your cognitive freedom.

-Scrutinize our growing reliance on AI, revealing the perils of unquestioning devotion to technology as a modern-day god.

-Demystify the interplay between sensory perception and consciousness.

-Reconsider long-held religious and philosophical doctrines, spotlighting the value of personal revelation & lived experience in untangling the riddles of consciousness.

Your Mind at Siege isn’t just scholarly discourse, it’s an invitation to inward reflection, and a road map for understanding the intricate web that links consciousness, technology, and the human condition.



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David James (The UnMonk)

Born into the colourful fabric of India's rich cultural diversity, David James' unconventional journey began at 17, when he courageously defied societal norms to join Swamy Sathyananda Parahamsanada at the Bihar School of Yoga (BSY) in 1979. For nearly two decades, he plunged into realms of altered realities, engaging with unique masters in Himalayan monasteries and Sufi saints, all while enriching his profound understanding of the intricate facets of consciousness and existence.

An unexpected foray into the frantic world of investment banking in the Far East created a thrilling foil to David's spiritual pursuits. His global encounters with fascinating spiritual guides across Asia, the US, and the UK served to widen his perspectives on diverse cultural interpretations of higher realities. Yet, the magnetic pull of his homeland called him back in 2005, inspiring a deeper exploration of Tantric and Yogic wisdom and leading him on a transformative journey transcending traditional schools of thought.

Endowed with the spiritual name Sn. Sathyavrath by the respected Parahamsanada Niranjananda, David embraces the title 'UnMonk,' reflecting his independence from traditional religious boundaries and lineage. He continually guides those curious about enigmatic concepts such as bardo planes and death midwifery, which epitomizes his philosophy of "Mind over Matter, Not Matter Over Mind."

David's rare ability to fuse spiritual insight with modern pragmatism extends to consultations on financial risk, ethics, green technology, and branding in an AI-dominated era. His diverse journey's richness uniquely positions him as a visionary leader for those navigating the intricate dance between the mind, soul, and our rapidly changing technological world.



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