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உங்களைத் தொடர்புகொண்டது அற்புதமான அனுபவம். குறித்த காலக்கெடுவுக்குள் புத்தக வெளியீட்டுச் செயல்முறையை நீங்களே திட்டமிட்டு செயல்படுத்தியவிதம் பாராட்டுக்குரியது
The textbook on Breeding of self-pollinated field crops (principles and methods) is very useful to the students of agriculture. This book is the revision of many textbooks related to crop breeding, plant breeding, and plant taxonomy. It is written specifically for diploma teaching with simple and easy for understanding to students. This included the objectives of plant breeding, reproduction methods, male sterility and self-incompatibility, conservation of wild s
The textbook on Breeding of self-pollinated field crops (principles and methods) is very useful to the students of agriculture. This book is the revision of many textbooks related to crop breeding, plant breeding, and plant taxonomy. It is written specifically for diploma teaching with simple and easy for understanding to students. This included the objectives of plant breeding, reproduction methods, male sterility and self-incompatibility, conservation of wild species and cultivated plant species and also included methods of breeding in different self-pollinated crops and requirements of variety release.
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