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365 Tiny Changes to Transform Your Life Small Science-Backed Daily Shifts towards a Healthier, Wealthier, Happier and Wiser You

Author Name: Vivek Vijayan | Format: Paperback | Genre : Self-Help | Other Details

Transform your life, one tiny change at a time. “365 Tiny Changes to Transform Your Life” is more than a book - it’s a personal revolution bound in pocket-sized steps. Each page unlocks new potential, marrying behavioural science with daily life wisdom. Whether you're an entrepreneur racing the clock or a professional climbing the ladder, these changes fit seamlessly into your busy schedule. 

What makes this guide unique is its laser focus on small yet impactful shifts. Discover how little tweaks - like turning off screens for better sleep or using mnemonics to boost memory - can yield big results over time. These aren’t just ideas but stepping stones to the future you. 

Each of the 365 changes discussed in the book draws from rich research, personal stories, and actionable advice to promote deeper fulfilment every day in the coming 12 months. Engage with thoughtful prompts that challenge assumptions and inspire growth – from leveraging the 5-second rule to beat procrastination to fostering unity through family rituals.  

Embark on your transformative voyage armed with tiny seeds for cultivating the life you deserve. Beyond typical self-help fare, "365 Tiny Changes" offers a unique infusion of scientifically proven techniques and profound personal insight. More than a guide, it's your daily companion in writing a new life narrative - one small, deliberate step at a time.



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Vivek Vijayan

Vivek founded TinyChange alongside his wife, Remya, in 2017, blending insights from behavioural science with a shared passion for personal development. An MBA graduate of XLRI Jamshedpur, Vivek spent over a decade spearheading transformative human resources initiatives for a global IT leader across India and the UK, earning accolades in Forbes and Gartner. He also led an influential MIT study on the future of leadership, presented at the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos.

Initially a side hustle, TinyChange swiftly garnered acclaim for its unique planners and journals grounded in science. As their customer base expanded, numerous products gained widespread popularity, becoming favourites among users across India for their practicality and effectiveness. In 2022, Vivek left his corporate role, dedicating himself entirely to TinyChange’s mission: helping people rewrite life narratives through the compounding power of tiny changes.

This book culminates over two years of rigorous research, interviews, and extensive note-taking, yet it also embodies Vivek's lifelong passion for seeking knowledge and constantly experimenting with self-improvement techniques to determine what truly works. At TinyChange’s core lies this ethos - leveraging behavioural science to design systems for personal growth.

Discover Vivek’s intellectual pursuits at his blog, Explore TinyChange’s expanding portfolio of self-improvement resources at



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